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Mandela Effect Decoded Tracking Page 2
Generic info / references / books by JLL The soruce of the baffling paranormal phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect is the Earth itself, the mother planet. The source identifies itself to those receiving the signal in the initial encoding ("log-on signal") by one of the conversions of the word Mandel in German: almond, almond-shape = vesica pisces.
(18) -- March 2017: Synoptic Clues in the Effect: Wynona > WINONA. Synoptic: 1. of or forming a general summary or synopsis. E.g., "a synoptic outline of the contents" 2. taking or involving a comprehensive mental view. E.g., "a synoptic model of higher education" 3. relating to the Synoptic Gospels. I propose to coOPT the term synOPTic to apply to those clues that have to be decoded or interpreted by reference to the Gnostic background material and worldview, including both the ancient sources and the current, updated system of Gnosis. Example of a ciphertext or translation code. Forensics, CSI analogies. Another example, analysis of rug fibers in a crime scene. Car paint, used in the investigation of the death of Diana Spencer. Or ballistics, which relies on a catalogue of metallic signatures. Among the six nominal clues (derived from the name of the Effect), two are direct and the remaining four are synoptic, requiring forensic study by reference to the background Gnostic material:
Outstanding example of a synoptic clue proving that the Effect referss directly to its supernatural source. Residue:The Bryan Times, May 15, 1990 presents the occluded spelling, Wynona, associated in the same sentence with the name Sofia. Also, the Spielberg/Indiana Jones clue is prominent elsewere in the Mandela arrays. Define nona: a combining form meaning “nine, ninth,” used in the formation of compound words such as nonagon. "The Apocryphon of John describes the specific act of Pleromic intervention (episode 7) and Sophia’s response to it in close detail:
In Mystery language, the Ninth is code for the earth as an organic planetary body distinct from the inorganic planetary system, called the Hebdomad or the Seventh. In many mythologies throughout the world nine is the number of the Goddess. Three times three is the preeminent signature of feminine divinity. Graves says, 'The Triple Muse is woman in her divine character: the poet’s enchantress, the only theme of his songs.'" Chapter 10, The Fallen Goddess, Not in His Image, p. 162 Sophia, the living planetary superorganism, and the Hebdomad, the Seven or Seventh: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Additional terms (proposed, optional, not mandatory: nominative clues: contained in the name attached to the Effect. Also called the log-on signal for initiation of the Effect. This is a unique case, sui generis. Clues derived from the name Mandela are nominative, none others are. synoptic clues: which carry a component that can only be deciphered by allusion to the ciphertext or auxiliary tool, the body of Gnostic teachings in five parts. Example: Wynona > WINONA is synoptic by allusion to a specific text in the Hag Hammadi material. The occluded form is Wynona, with plenty of residual evidence. The occluding form, now evident in the current record, is Winona, as some remember it always having been. scripted clues: which lead to a specific integral narrative that may be either historical or otherwise, such as mythical, alluding to legend or fairy-tale, etc. Seven Dwarfs alludes to the mythical narrative of the Hebdomad, the Archons, which is a sub-plot of the Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS). Additionally, clues alluding to the specific historical narratives highlighted by the Effect can be called historiographic, or historial for short. Historiography is the art of writing history based on a remembered record of facts, persons, and events. For example, there is an historial inference in the name of Charles Schultz > SCHULZ. biotropic clues: which carry allusions to personal experiences and events in the network of personal reality.In other words, the clue turns toward (troph-) personal biographical content. For instance, the Wynona>WINONA clue alludes in the case of yours truly to biographic facts: I met her mother, Cindy Palner, and was associated professional with her father, Michael Horowitz, the curator of the literary archives of Timothy Leary, whose ex-wife was my close friend for 20 years. Also, through the Kerouac legacy I had a contract agreement with Frances Ford Coppola and his company Zoetrope for the title of On the Road. The ABC of the Mandela Effect: Attune to the Source, Beware of the Alien Factor, Correct the Historical Lie. (19) Sophianic Baby Talk, Preverbal NLP, and Phonemes in the Mandela Effect Maria Joao: Inez (jazz vocalization): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZONR3HoUXM Mama Teach: Navigator Briefing #79, 25m. http://dl.gaiaspora.org/nb/Nav-Briefing-79-Mama-Teach-Manners-01-August-2013.mp3 Fallen Goddess Scenario: http://www.metahistory.org/GAIA%20SOPHIA/Synopsis9SMrevised.php NLP: neuro-linguistic programming, requires of course the use of spoken language. Contrast with neuro-learning programs, which are preverbal. You learn how to learn before you can speak of learning. In preverbal NLP, your brain configures the learning patterns you will use when you have verbal abilities. The signal coming through the M.E. reaches you at that level, just on the border between verbal and pre-verbal apprehension of the world. (20) 3 April 2017 This Effect Is Manifesting the Planetary Logos (21)3 April 2017 Gaia-Sophia Calls You to Her Correction Protective Shield around the earth, detected by shamanic practice in August 2014, detected by scientists in November 2014: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2850566/Earth-protected-Star-Trek-style-invisible-shield-Scientists-probe-mysterious-barrier-blocking-killer-electrons.html Scientists who have no notion of the living dynamic of the earth and cosmos, speculate that the shield is designed to protect the earth against "killer electrons" -- fabled elementary particles. Gnostic intel indicates that the protective egg produced by two discrete blasts of UTI (unpulsed telluric infrasound) a month prior to it being discovered, has the purpose of shielding huymanity from nefarious short-wave radiations emitted by Archons inhabiting the outer reaches of the solar system. (22)6 April 2017 Historical Shock in the Mandela Effect? Four kinds or varieties of shock:
Rhine meadows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUseJujV0qs Why South Africa? Why now? Note: 6 April 1652 -- 365 years ago -- was the day the first white Europeans (Dutch) who came to be known as Boers touched land in South Africa. 27 April 1994, 23 years ago, Mandela was elected president, head of the ANC Party. (23) 7 April 2017 Memory Split: Why That Ryder Woman Can't Spell Her Own Name BLODEUWEDD: blow-DIE-eth, nine-flower Wlech goddess CERRIDWEN: KER-rid-wen, underworld goddess who inspires poets MNEMOSYNE: Nuh-MOSS-uh-knee, Greek goddess of memory, mother of the nine Muses WYNONA: To win nines is to gain the power of regenerated memory, which includes conscience, knowing right and wrong. It also means to enter the Superlearning Event, to recover the nine, the sacred arts and sciences. (24A)10 April 2017 Approaching Gnosticism Orientation Talk part 1 (24B) 10 April 2017 Approaching Gnosticism Orientation Talk part 2 Considering the difficulty of this subject, and the considerable disinfo and slander about Gnosticism and Gnostics, you might benefit from this reading of an essay I wrote in 2006: Approaching Gnosticism - Through the Eye of the Heart Written in 2006. Note, there are typos in the text. Also, I use certain words such as spiritual and spirituality that I no longer consider to be valid currency in discourse or education. Related: Origins of the Gnostic Movement INTERLUDE: 11 April 2017 Message to 1000 Subscribers plus a Gift The Nine Loves of the AnthroposExcerpted from talks with Thomas Malone (Touchstone Tom: Grok the Talk) around 2010. Anthropos 11 (A-11) refers to the mutation of the current version of the human species into a re-enlivened and regenerated species consistent with livin in Sophia's Correction. h ttp://www.ultrakulture.com/the-9-loves-of-anthropos-11/ Go to tracking Page 3 >
CER-ID-WEN. Wen is white, Gwen, Guinevere, Gwynneth (in North Wales) in Celtic and Welsh. Cymraeg, Kum-RAI-eeg. The Welsh are the Cymri. Also note, the emphasis on W : the double V, not double U. V V.
BACKGROUND STUDIES AND TOPICS GOING AHEAD PSYQ Mandela Effect Reveals Conformity and Impairment of Attention "Getting to the point." This process is like a tour of a crime scene where the event has been solved but detectives in training are invited to learn how it was solved. This process is the foundation course for the Superlearning Event. My intention as the gnostic teacher is to provide the opportunity for you to evaluate yourself and text the "bandwidth" and download/upload speed of your attention, you basic capacity to pay attention. ADD: attention deficit disorder. IPF: impairment of the probative faculty. This investigation reveals how this mental faculty -- the capacity to build an argument or follow an argumenty, to develop a proof or follow one that is presented to you -- may be impaired. And it also shows exactly what impairs it: "head shock". The cause of impairment is encoded into the Effect -- the material cause, the neurological cause. Think Mandela: think of any part of the human organism that comes to mind, suggested or prompted by that word. The root mandel universally refers to a tree that bears nuts, like a pecan tree or a walnut tree. What kind of nut comes to mind via the association of the word mandela? Consider the meaning of mandel/mandela in various languages, including German. The "TEN-PACK" in mythophrenia, background material Various scenarios of divine intervention: The Great Deception 1, Human and Supernatural Powers - Persenting some examples of interventions scenarios from ancient myth and the dominant religions.
2, Handling Supernatural Power -- defines the Supernatural in a way that connects helpfully with understanding the Mandela Effect. 3. Love and the Supernatural - describes the nature of the "Satanic Cabal" as the instrument of alien archontic intrusion into the divine experiment, using certain proxies. Hence the Gnostic warning about who the archons chose to do their work against humanity.
In summary, I use these three essays to develop the picture of two interventions, one ongoing for a long time, and the other, called Sophia's Correction, just now beginning. Elsewhere in the TEN-PACK, I propose that two outstanding factors in the intervention of the Wisdom Goddess are wit, or comedic clair, and novelty. The takeaway of talk 10 : focus on novelty so that you can discern how the Mandela Effect works. The Effect Considered as "Secret Gathering", Not a Mass Awakening - The Selection Process # The Trickster in Your Mind
# Foreknowledge of the Mandela Effect (Correction) in Gnostic writings:
The Secret Book (Apocryphon) of John NHC II, 20: 15-29 (p 118-119, The Gnostic Coptic Library, Volume 2, Brill, Leiden Boston Koln 2000)
The Fallen Goddess, Ch. 10, Not in His Image, p. 162
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Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2017 by John Lash. |