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The Great Deception - Part One

Human Evil and Supernatural Powers

In /telestics 14 OCT 2016

This page is not a text of exposition, but a display of links and items relative to the talk.

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881). Actual quote:

“The awful thing is that beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and the devil are fighting there and the battlefield is the heart of man." The Brothers Karamazov


Like many others before him and persisting into this day, Dostoevsky (who was deeply Christian in that ecdentric Russian way) placed humanity between God and Satan in a battle of cosmic proportions. This way of stating, or framing, the Great Deception seems, deceptively, to expose it, but in reality anyone who holds this view is totally caught in the Great Deception.

The battle is between Satan and God, with humanity in the middle -- this a paradigm to be revised along gnostic lines.

mythos: a story of what happens, an account of events

mytheme: a word coined by Mircea Elaide for a mythological theme that appears univerally in all cultures and times.


1 creation-myth, the cosmos at large, the earth cosmogenesis

2 creation of humanity, anthropogenesis (Blavatsky)

3 divine intervention : messiah, avatar, etc

4 separation of the sexes

5 Hero and Goddess pattern

Short and sweet, this is partial and provisional inventory of intervention scenarios. See also A Concise Inventory of Beliefs in the foundational essays on metahistory.org.

A few examples of divine intervention:

# Homer, Aeneid, Athens intervenes in the battlefield. Correction: it is the Iliad, not the Aeneid, which is a Latin poem by the Roman author Virgil, describing the aftermath of the same event, the Trojan War.

# Genesis 14: Melchizedek appears to Abrahman in the Grove of Mamre, assigning to him the mission of the Chosen People. Thus he establishes the "everlasting covenant" between the Hebrews and the male creator god, Jahweh. However, as explained in Not in His Image, the Hebrew people as a whole do not live out this covenant, only a small faction within the tribe so do, using the other "Jews" to achieve their righteous aim. These are the Zaddikites or Sons of Zadok who institute theocracy among the Jews.

CORRECTION: The source cited for this example of divine intervention is correct, but ambiguous: Genesis 14:18 describes briefly the meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek. Then, chapter 18 presents a longer account of three figures who appear without explanation at the Grove of Mamre. These "three men" men are not named, but Abraham reacts to them as if facing a supernatural or angelic presence, messengers of the Lord (Archon). In 18:14 the Lord tells Abraham that Sarah will have a son -- but wait. The entire transaction about a covenant with Jahweh and Sarah ("a mother of nations") having a son already happened in Ch. 17. It gets repeated with more detail in Ch. 18. Why?

Joseph Campbell and many others have pointed out that at least two scribes composed the OT, resulting in an overlay of material as if two writers collaborated on a screenplay but did not exactly coordinate their scripts. The two accounts of the ethnic founding of the Jewish tribe and their mission for the Lord Archon present a clear case of redundant overwriting. It was important enough to be described twice, but the lack of names for the interceding figures in the latter passage suggests withholding, an editorial decision by the scribe. In fact, the identity and mission of the "Sons of Zadok", the hidden priesthood directed by Melchizedek, was withheld from the Jewish people as a whole and preserved as the secret dotrine of the Zaddikim.

Thus, the citation of OT source for the meeting with three figures is correct, but naming these figures as Melchizedek and two angelic-archontic attendants is my call, my attribution. JLL


# Buddhism: The intrusion of Mara and his demonic horde, counteracted by the intercession of the earth goddess, Sthavara (Stey-VAIR-ah). See The Tantric Conversion, I, The Earth-touching Mudra.

# New Testament: illumination of Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. Described at length in NIHI, Ch. 4, The Cult of Righteousness. Correction: The citation is in Hebrews, not Romans. Both attributed to Paul.

Hebrews 6: 20 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 7 1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, 2 to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all, first being translated “king of righteousness,” and then also king of Salem, meaning “king of peace,” 3 without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually.

# Islam. The case is anomalous, an aberration. The foundation of Islam is threefold: the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sira, biography of Mohammud, setting out the Sunna or example of Mohammad as the ideal or best human who ever lived, to be emulated in every way. Compare to Thomas a Kempis, Imitatio Christi.

Divine intervention in Islam -- a transmogrification, a mutation of the Hebrew and Christian messiah figures. The instrument is intervention in Islam is a faceless political ideology, not a person, although it is represented by men, theocrats who speak for god.

We live on a planet tyrannized and terrorized by men in beards who tell the inhabitants what God says and what God wants. Other men, who are not bearded but also tyrannize and terrorise the world, believe in a bearded paternal God for whom they speak, and whose orders they follow. The entire planet suffers under a supreme and sovereign LIE: that God the Father has ever said anything to its inhabitants.

Political Islam: see Bill Warner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Uu4XnRS1hiz3JCpNFIuUg

#Miscellaneous: Bahullah who founded Ba'hai, Jeddu Krishnamurti who refused the role of the Maitreya, Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh, and others.

Two points of novelty in Sophia's Correction, presented as working propositions: interactivity and the adversarial stance against the Jewish-Muslim fix. There is a demonic intervention underway, standing against the divine intervention of the Aeonic Mother, prefigured in gnostic writings as Correction (diorthosis). There does exist a satanic plan to take down humanity.

You START with the elements to frame the current event. The polarity at play here is not the polarity of GOOD VERSUS EVIL.

The "Great Deception" of which Christians warn is the self-deception of Christians trapped in their illusions about evil and supernatural powers.

Reframing Good versus Evil -- see ahead, Part 3, Neitzsche, The Genology of Morals.

The gnostic teacher presents a different model of divine intervention. The problem is complicated, but the solution is simple. God versus Satan with humanity in the middle is totally wrong. The picture of replace Dostoevsky's scenario of good versus evil is this: on one side, humanity, the Anthropos, and the other side, Sophia, the mother of the species, and between them, the enemies of life, the psychopaths.

The formula of three Ss: source, story, setting.

The battleground is the social order where the psychopaths seek to harm both humanity and the earth itself.

....Concluding, some confusion due to what I said in the interview with Lisa Harrison. For example, there is nothing evil in the Supernatural, but then again, there are supernatural forces attacking humanity.

53 m 53s: "Here comes the precision." Background sound of rain which started to fall at that exact moment. Notice how rainfail is precise.

The Archons are a satanic species, working against humanity. They present one supernatural extraterrestrial adversary -- one is all it takes. Learn all about them in the Fallen Goddess Scenario. No other explanation tells you how they originate.

Two acts of intervention in "Her Name is Silence": the demonic intervention of the Archons who chose the Jews to intrude upon humanity. Arabs are part of this problem, hence the Jewish-Muslim fix.

The Archontic intrusion is not a divine intervention like Sophia's Correction, but it is a supernatural event.

Gnostics took great care not to say that the Archons are evil, as such. They are agents of deceit, messengers of deception, lies. EVIL is the human component of the Archontic intrusion.

The purity and necessity of hate. 1h 1m. See also:

Hate is the venom in the cure for human evil.

Summary of the actors/agencies in the playbook of the narrative of divine intervention:

1, Satan

2, Lucifer

3, the antichrist

4, The Great Beast of Revelation

5, the lesser beast of Revelation

6, the legion of demonic phantoms produced by human paranoia

7, the Archons

8, human proxies of the Archons, Zads, Zaddikites

9, the Aeonic Mother, Sophia

10, humanity, the Anthropos

11, the Maitreya

Hold the intention to master this slate of actors in the drama of human evil and supernatural powers.

In Correction, Sophia acts toward or upon the Archons, and toward and upon humanity itself. Gnostic instruction enables you to know how, in both cases. Her intervention can only be realized as a total novelty.

Completely novel aspect of Sophia's intervention: the Goddess shows a sense of humor.

The witch has wit.

witch (n.) Old English wicce "female magician, sorceress," in later use especially "a woman supposed to have dealings with the devil or evil spirits and to be able by their cooperation to perform supernatural acts," fem. of Old English wicca "sorcerer, wizard, man who practices witchcraft or magic," from verb wiccian "to practice witchcraft" (compare Low German wikken, wicken "to use witchcraft," wikker, wicker "soothsayer"). OED says of uncertain origin; Liberman says "None of the proposed etymologies of witch is free from phonetic or semantic difficulties." Klein suggests connection with Old English wigle "divination," and wig, wih "idol." Watkins says the nouns represent a Proto-Germanic *wikkjaz "necromancer" (one who wakes the dead), from PIE *weg-yo-, from *weg- (2) "to be strong, be lively" (see wake (v.)).

More consideration of the words witch and wizard forthcoming in talks ahead.

jll 14 October 2016 Andalucia


Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2017 by John Lash.

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