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Commentaries I.3

NOTE: The commentaries on Translations from the Andromedan present snatches of an alternative myth of the prehistory of the earth. The myth is not complete or sequential in these notes, but it can be gleaned from the highlights. Selected themes are indicated in the table of contents in assist in navigating through these notes.

Sloka One: Sweet Talk in the Syrene Limb

3 Asuramaya lived a double life. 

sweet abstracting gaze of Vishnu  Name of a divinity, from Sanskrit Vish-, “spread, pervade.” In Hindu mythology, the God who dreams the universe and whose presence is said to pervade all things like an all-witnessing gaze.
In the Vishnu Purana, Vishnu is called “Dweller in the Lotus of the Heart” and “the Self of Time.” The supreme aboriginal Ancestor, he corresponds to the Unborn  in Buddhist philosophy and to the primordial intrinsic awareness called Rigpa in Dzogchen. His attributes are poetically rendered in Hindu lyrics on the Dreaming:

You are the ever-present in all things,
the intrinsic principle of all,
Resplendent Indwelling One,
root of all that is, changeless, unsullied.
The Supreme Moment is your core,
The Universe your shape. (Vishnu Purana, 3,17.28-34)

The Aboriginal ancestors of the Dreamtime are dual, twinned parents  like the Nommo of the Dogon and the Wandjina of Australian songlines. Vishnu is sometimes coupled with a celestial consort, Lakshmi, a variant of Sarasvati, although in Andromedan lore his consorts are plural. His human-like incarnation, the eighth avatar in a sequence of ten, is Krishna, whose consort is the luscious matron, Radha, and whose sexual playmates are the gopis, “cowgirls,” Hindu counterparts to Dionysian Maenads. The Aeon Vishnu manifests on Andromeda through the phantom-like apparitions of the Blue Prince and his consort, the Belated Muse.

Theoria: beholding   Literal meaning in Greek. “ ‘Theorizing’ comes from Theoria, again a word of Orphic origin, meaning a state of fervent contemplation and participation in the sacred rites (thea spectacle, theoris spectator, audience).”  Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation.

Axon and dendron, according to their myth  Earthside neuroanatomy  has no counterpart in the make-up of Andromedan doubles but tree-lore that uses the same metaphoric language as neuroanatomy is common parlance in many galaxies. It  is quite wrong to take the tree-trope for a hierarchial model, and denigrate it as such. The image of the Cosmic Tree belongs to a transcendent syntax that operates in many neurolinguistic formats. Axon and dendron is, perhaps, the primordial sexual-semantic metaphor.

The erect tree with its threefold structure – root, trunk, branches -- is a special articulation of the mycelium-like membrane that provides the unitary infrastructure of all galaxies. In recent speculations earthside scientists propose that the entire universe, including undiscovered dimensions, is spread over a vast membrane (often abbreviated to brane.) “Brane Theory” proposes that the multiverse of detectable galaxies is an infinite planar tissue floating in a hyperspace of higher dimensions.

The metaphor in use here recalls Laya Yoga, an ancient system of Asian cosmology that assumes an infinitely flat universe. Parallels to Tantra are even more striking. The very word Tantra means “weave” and could be translated as “woven membrane.” In another sense Tantra means “continuity.”  This suggests that consciousness (or experience, if you prefer) is, or can be, continuous throughout the weave.  Polish mathematician Theodor Kaluza first proposed the existence of other dimensions in 1919, and the mathematics required to formulate his ideas were  provided by Oscar Klein in 1926, but Asian cosmologies presented multi-dimensonial models thousands of years earlier. The difference is, the cosmologies contained in Asian spiritual teachings are derived from first-hand experience without instruments, and are said to be verifiable in the same manner.
In Andromedan versions of the Earth Dreaming the axon-dendron metaphor takes on a strong psychosexual spin. The Cosmic Membrane exfoliates into tree-like stories and one of the stories describes a world where the trees are full of alluring girls. Native lore of M31 is especially rich with tales of hamadryads, a race of tree nymphs who represent one of the five forms of primal woman, the original inhabitants of earth. The female race indigenous to Gaia is named in language that survives, just barely, on that tormented planet. In Sanskrit the Gaian women are called Stri (pronounced StREE). Stri-puja, “woman worship,” is the Tantric practice of adoring the female body as a sensuous instrument of the Sacred. In Gaelic the women are called the Sidhe (pronounced ShEE), an archaic term revived by W. B. Yeats. The Sidhe are fees, fay-males, faery women of supernatural wiles, of which the hamadryad is a subspecies. She becomes transposed into the tree in the ear calling to Orpheus, male-sexed prototype of the shamanic poet. Hence, the ear-locked roaring spiral (Stanza 1).

Earthside pundits know that shamanism belongs to the oldest religious strata of the human species, but they can hardly imagine how remote its origins truly are. Before the ordeal of the tree-hung shaman developed, shamans were born in trees:
In the far, far north, say the Yakuts, the great larch with many branches stands at the source of a terrible sickness. On these branches are nests in which shamans are born¼ When the shaman is born, a great eagle with feathers of iron and hook-like claws flies to the sacred larch and lays an egg. If the shaman is of the highest order, the bird stays with the egg for three long years. If the shaman is of a lower order, the time for nesting and hatching in only one year. The She-Eagle is called “Mother of Animals.” On three occasions in the lifetime of a shaman does she appear. The first, when she gives birth to the shaman; the second, when the shaman undergoes dismemberment and sacrifice; and the third, when the shaman meets death for the first time.

When the shaman-soul hatches from the egg, the Mother of Animals entrusts the baby-shaman to a spirit-shamaness, Brugestez-Udagan, who has one eye, one hand, one leg. This wondrous creature places her charge in a cradle of iron, rocks him, tends him and brings him up on pieces of coagulated blood. (Lommel, cited by Joan Halifax, Shaman – The Wounded Healer.)

Siberian folk-lore preserves an exact though baffling description of events that transpired on earth in the mythic prehistory of prehistory, but it takes Andromedan knowledge to reconstruct the events described. In this alternative scenario the tree-nymphs birthed the hunters from Orion into a permanent cognitive bond with the earth: they were dendron to the axon of the Men. Hinted in the passage cited is the miracle of the formation of the bloodstream, a tree-like network charged with iron.  The process is directed by the supreme presence on earth, the Mistress of Animals: i.e., the animating Aeon, Gaia. Gnostic teachings (preserved in fragmentary form in polemics against Gnosticism) describe how the Aeon Sophia makes blood from the red ochre of the earth and heats it to the right temperature by volcanic eruptions.

Co-emergent with these geophysical changes, the Orion Men who first dared to enjoin the sweet-limbed, dentritic embrace of the Sidhe found their plasmatic bodies infused with the primitive signature of a blood-tree.  Aboriginal peoples who revere red ochre unknowingly preserve the memory of this momentous event. 
The “sickness” at the root of the tree is inexplicable to scholars, but perfectly clear in Andromedan lore. The Mysteries of the shamanic Eagle on the World Tree – an image found in the Gnostic Apocryphon of John – have been revived and extended by Carlos Castaneda.

consort Mudra in Sanskrit, from the root mu-, “magic gesture, action performed in silence,” perhaps akin to the Greek  mu/my-, root of the verb myein, “to close,” from which comes the word “mystery”.

A consort is the partner of either sex who assists in reaching the heightened awareness required for treasure-hunting in mysterious worlds. Consorting is co-witnessing.  Literally it means “going out or going beyond (sort-), together (con-).” To leave together is the most rapturous way for humans to surpass the parameters of perception. (At the end of The Eagle’s Gift, Castaneda describes how a sorcerer’s party of sixteen nahaules, eight men and eight women, leave the world linked together.)  The Latin root sor also occurs in “sorcery” and “sortilege” (divination, the casting of lots). To consort is to collaborate in mutual intent to transcend the human lot.

In Tantric embrace the conjoined bodies of the consorts become a single instrument. This occurs spontaneously for Andromedans who live perpetually in their plasmatic bodies, even when temporarily coupled to the earth by a somatic body, but  it is far more difficult for their human doubles whose somatic form is primary and who normally do not even realize they have a second, intact, independent plasmatic body (i.e. the plasmic double, the phantom, nahual, etc.).  
In Tantra the mudra is both the consort chosen for mystical intercourse, called maithuna in Sanskrit, and the posture assumed by the couple. (Maithuna is also the name given in Vedic astrology to the constellation of the Twins.) Their embrace is said to seal their power, for mudra also means “seal, imprint, signature.”  In Hindu folklore, mystico-erotic union with the consort is represented in the illicit love-play of Krishna and Radha.  This presents the prototype for many Tantric practices of an exotic and highly ritualized kind but on M31 maithuna is the routine form of communication. In Dzogchen, said to be the highest level of Buddhist practice,  “hidden treasure” (terma) is often discovered by a couple who “engage in a form of sexual consort yoga as a means of accessing the necessary states of mind for Treasure revelation and decoding.” (Germano and Gyatso, Tantra in Practice)  Among Andromedans “sexual consort  yoga” is an esthetic rite, completely free of sexual reproduction.

The lays of the estuary bards of the Wending Sea preserve an extensive record of primeval events in the epigenetic cradle of Gaia, when mudra and mystery were coeval and the symbiotic miracle of the planet was a springboard for many sublime adventures, but sexual coupling in the protohuman species changed all this.
In those days there were giants in the earth; and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)

The chthonian romance of the Sidhe with the Orion Men, the Watchers and Nephilim of Biblical legend, spawned grotesque mutations, arrogant macho demons at first, then a long lineage of somatic-plasmatic hybrids (Zeus, the older and younger Dionysos, Orpheus, Tantalus, Sisyphus and many, many more). Over many generations the Orion Men were absurdly arrogant in their tyrannical assertions of power and their presumption of god-like stature. The intercourse of the Sons of God with the daughters of men devolved for eons before their intercourse hardened into the death-lock of procreation and the initial thrill, the primal attraction, was lost. 

Kerali Strain  Mother lineage in the Gaian habitat, genetic root of the variant Strains of the Sidhe. Over time this Strain comes to be considered as one among others, even though it is the primordial root of the others.  Also called the Parthenic or “virgin” Strain, it is the source of all traditions of Mother Goddesses whom ancestral memory associates with male consorts, the “dying and resurrecting gods,” Dumuzi, Thammuz, Attis, Adonis et al.

Like Dreamtime Ancestors in Aboriginal songlines, the Kerali women emerged from the inchoate torso of Gaian geography and gave form to the land.  The names of the rockborn goddesses are forgotten except in rare words like Rhea, “flowing from rock” and of course Gaia. In Andromedan lore Gaia is recognized as the Gnostic Aeon Sophia whose intelligence animates the earth. The designation indicates something more than a cosmic spirit embodied in nature…. From the hairless pores of Gaia emerged the serpent race, the Nagas, snake-women endowed with healing powers. From the hair-baring pores came beauteous denizens of the tree-realm, the arboreal nymphs, the hamadryads. For eons they were indistinguishable from the trees in which they lived: hamadryads in plasmatic bodies changed trees as women change wardrobes, but the hybrids, the somatically generated nymphs, became attached to a single species of tree, like the laurel, cypress and juniper.

From the body-fluids of Gaia emerged the race of water-nymphs called Danaids by the Greeks. They exist in countless variants, from mermaids who sing in the ocean depths to shapeshifting mistresses of waterfalls, wells, springs, lakes, rivers, rain, mist.

From volcanic lava that lent her menstruation Gaia produced the race of dakinis, tutelary witches gifted with terrifying magical power who appear in Tantric lore brandishing daggers and drinking blood from human skulls.

All these were the Sidhe, the native fees who slept in great underground mounds where they reproduced by mitosis, asexually. The hamadrayads who inhabited the trees, their bodies entwining sensuously with the lithe sky-embracing limbs and branches, were the first to arouse the desire of the Orion Men, but the hunter’s insensate craving for the daughters of Gaia, once aroused, extended to all her offspring, even the animals of the Earth Dreaming. Andromedans recognize that the Sidhe alone inhabited earth for countless aeons, oblivious to the fact that they comprised one half of dual-gendered species. The Sidhe did not know what they were missing so they naturally assumed they were the exclusive manifestation of the sapiens strain called Anthropos by Gnostic seers. To this day earthside shamans chuckle over the illusion of faymale primacy: “The first man was not a man, the first man was a woman...” (Cesar Calvo, The Three Halves of Ino Moxo). Yet the full story is anything but funny.

That neither the Orion Men nor the Sidhe recognized they were matching components of the same species template, yet sexually distinct ab origine, turned out to determine long and massive grief and confusion on earth. 

By the time the hunters from Orion appeared in the Gaian habitat, the Kerali root-stock had already developed into four distinct races of faery women: the Rheans of Earth, the Danaids of Water, the tree-nymphs of Air and the dakinis of Fire. A fifth branch, the Naga Strain, produced a range of prodigiously gifted serpentines. The healing gifts of the snake-women were consecrated in many ancient cults such as that of Hygeia, goddess of healing. In the pythonic oracle at Delphi Naga-women preserved their divinatory powers into historical times. Although much demonized, the serpentine hybrids with their gentle, consoling looks were accurately remembered by some archaic tribes like the Vinca. (Serpent head, Chronokalacka Bara, Yugoslavia, 5000 BCE (Marija Gimbutas, Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, Fig. 37)

4  Assigned, not chosen.

Chen Ju Ridge  Chinese Chenju, Sanskrit Tathata, “Suchness”. Plasmic ridge on the Syrene Limb of Andromeda where Tantric partners pick up currents that take  them to the Satene Gate, a turbine-like vortex on the gravitational axis that unites the Andromeda Galaxy with the Orion Galaxy. In this way they teletransport from M31 to earth and back again. The Blue Fire of Devic Rapture that surges through the entire Andromeda Galaxy dissolves at the Ridge, encasing the pair in an envelope of protective plasma so that their codes are not scrambled in transit and bilocational continuity is not disrupted.

mudra  Sanskrit, “seal, consort, magical gesture.”  See consort, above.

The poet’s favorite poet, Russian prodigal genius Velimir Khlebnikov [1885-1922], born in the year a supernova in M31 signaled the Modernist movement on earth.

In a visionary experience late in his short life, Khlebniknov discovered a formula for time-conversion that allowed him to find for any particular moment in history its apposite moment, thus to relate disparate events by a formal, dyadic continuity, one specific event mirroring the next. This is an acausal theory of actional contiguity transcending time but expressed, uniquely for Khlebnikov, in time-based formulae. For his obsessions along these lines Khlebnikov was nicknamed by his fellow poets “the King of Time.” 

Khlebnikov’s law of apposite moments recalls the First Law of Andromedan physics: For every action, there is an equal and apposite non-action. The stochastic equilibria of the myriad worlds, aperiodic and turbulent, reflect the rapturous irresolution of this law, so the Second Law states: For every action whose apposite non-action is not realized, there is an equal and apposite action. Hence, the operation of these macrophysical laws hinges upon sentient response, or lack of it. The vagabond Russian poet intuited the solace of the Second Law in the self-similar patterning of historical moments, apposite in time and tragic structure. His implicate order was moral and self-compensating, typical of the adult child syndrome he embodies.(Poem cited from Khlebnikov: Selected Poems, Harvard University Press, 1997.)

5   Then is the moment when the Blue Prince   

Lady Murasaki – Lermontov  Andromedans do not associate. Rather, all knowledge specific to any moment presents itself to them in a particulate blur, a vast spread of animated code from which they instantly select a discrete array of coherent signals. The result is, they naturally see a range of complex and obscure associations that would require in human terms years or even centuries to develop.
Lady Murasaki, who wrote the first true novel around 968 CE, belonged to the Heian Era when Tantric Buddhism initially reached Japanese shores, flushing open the jade gates of many kimono-clad demoiselles, but to the Andromedan mind her subtle samurai, the dreamy Prince Genji, was a flutter of Vishnu’s eyelash in one direction, while Lermontov’s self-epitomizing hero, written to life 900 years later, was the counter-flutter. Both heroes were earthbound glimmers of late, decadent ancestral memories of the Orion Men, whose fate colours the guitar of the Blue Prince.

virya  Sanskrit for “heroic, noble, courageous.” Cognate with the Latin virilis and IE root *wiros, basis of the word “virility”. Virya epitomizes the original heroic strength of the Orion Men, their human moral endowment.  It comes to expression in the two main aggressive traits of the terrestrial male: skill as a hunter and the ability to plunge mystically into other worlds. This endowment is not strictly human but the use of it to assimilate totemic signs and develop cosmic identity is.

This is but half the story, however, for the IE root wiros- is also the basis of the word “virginity”. Virile and virginal are cognate. The heroic essence of manhood is identical with the principle of female autonomy. In the sense taught in pagan philosophy and culture, virginity had nothing to do with lack of sexual experience. Quite the contrary, the virgin or parthenos was a woman of independent sexual status, fully empowered. She was sexually active but unwed. 

Under our western system the young, unmarried female belongs to her father, but in earlier days she was her own mistress until she married. Her right to dispose of her own person until she marries is part of the primary concept of liberty. ‘This liberty of action involves the right to refuse intimacies as well as to accept them. A girl belong to herself when she is virgin -  unwed - and may not be compelled either to maintain chastity or to yield to an unwanted embrace... She was not dependent upon the man, she did not cling to him or demand that the relationship be permanent. She was still her own mistress, a virgin in the ancient, original meaning of the word.’ (Harding, The Way of All Women, cited in Jamake Highwater, Myth and Sexuality). 

The warrior ethic of Buddhism (partially represented in Bushido, the code of the samurai) asserts the heroic prowess of the male, but this wonderful endowment is incomplete without its feminine counterpart. Heroic excess, or male surfeit, belongs exclusively to men, but heroic mind belongs equally to both sexes. This truth is clearly expressed in the Manju-shri-ghosa-jana-manas-vira, an initiation formula from Dzogchen master Dodrupchen III: “Non-dualistic primordial wisdom, the enlightened mind of all Buddhas without exception, is known as heroic mind, and primordially fresh wisdom that is smooth and splendid.”

The Men from Orion brought the hunting arts to earth but they did not keep them to themselves. Many myths and legends on earth recall the high attainment of the Sidhe who also mastered the skills of the hunt. The most famous case is Artemis, the name for a lineage of Gaian priestesses who became guardians of the hunt. Upon realizing the inability of the hunters to set their own limits, Artemis is said to have commanded a giant scorpion to arise from the earth and slay Orion. The incident is recounted in the skylore of the Phaenomena, a poem in 1154 Greek hexameters by Aratos (fl. 250 BC).  Since then, “it is said, when the Scorpion rises / Orion flees past the ends of the earth.” (Phaenomena, 628-30)  When the constellation of Orion sets in the west, the Scorpion rises in the east. In one sense, the Scorpion from the earth represents the death-filled embrace of sexual reproduction. Biological mating is the corruption of virya in both genders.

The Blue Prince observes ironically that the deviant morality of the Orion Men, although it provides the root of human morality, devolves from the mismanagement of virya.

dana Sanskrit, “generosity,” the mark of the Bodhisattvas, taken by Andromedans for evidence of divinity in human nature. Earthside sages of pagan antiquity recognized the supreme human virtue to be generosity rather than love.

Sultress Strain One of three primary branches of the root-lineage of the Sidhe, distinguished from the five elemental mutations.

An offshoot of the Kerali Strain, the Sultress faeries appeared first among the tree-nymphs, the hamadryads, due to their easy seductive airs, but the predilection did not remain exclusive to them. Women of the Sultress Strain who were adepts at shapeshifting into erotic creatures also found the water-element conducive to their  wiles. These were undines called by many names: Arethusa, Melusine, Nausicca. Water-nymphs who inhabited springs, lakes and rivers empowered the Orion Men by testing them with curious rites, as the Lady of the Lake tested King Arthur. They taught secrets of divination in exchange for little more than loving looks from the Orion hunters. Due to their aqueous manners conjugal relations with them were relatively rare.

These seductive waterbound genii persisted for aeons in the Gaian habitat, right down to historical times. Calypso and the Sirens who tempted Odysseus, the nubile girls who fatally lured Hylas into their pond, the wellspring maiden who initiated the Latin king, Numinus Pompilia, and the Rhine Maidens of the Ring Cycle are but a few of them. Eventually, earth-nymphs, fire-nymphs and even some of the Naga-women assumed the traits and behavior of the Sultress Strain. They consorted rampantly with the hunters. According to the Andromedan view of Gaian history, the male and female of the human species had intercourse without issue for long eons before biological reproduction locked on. The original form of reproduction was mitosis, asexual cell-division performed by the Sidhe.  The women native to Gaia reproduced themselves and the myriad of animal species. Only later, and by a different process, did they come to reproduce the male of the species. The alluring behavior of faeries of the Sultress Strain induced the shift toward meiosis, reproduction by the union of two gametes. In some aspects terrestrial nature preserves the different stages of this long and mysterious mutation. In many species the female can reproduce itself by division, but to produce the male requires the union of sperm and egg.

For eons the Animal Dreaming of the Sidhe proceeded in their womb-like faery-mounds, fully independent of men. As they absorbed the massive heat-floes of the planet, their bellies swelled to dome-like magnitude and the menageries of animals, birds and insects emerged from the underground havens in a sequence of pulsing extrusions. While Gaian mitosis prevailed the Sidhe experienced unimpeded empathic bonding with their myriad offspring. The Gaian women were fiercely protective of their broods. In a strategy intended to counteract the Orion overkill, some of the Sultress women diverted their dreaming power to secure holding patterns on certain species. Very early on some women developed the tactic of assuming the permanent doubles of lions, a feat they accomplished by withholding a selected amount of the mitotic dream-current. Sekmet, the lion-headed form of the Egyptian Mother Goddess, Hathor, represents this anomaly, as do the lion-headed dakinis of Tibet.

Lion-maids of the Sultress Strain were among the first to copulate openly with Orion Men, an outrageous spectacle ritually repeated on the savannah by many generations of leonine species. The male of the breed came to be distinguished by his orgasmic roar and his arrogant dismissal of foreplay.

The Sultress women brought fierce vigilance to the protection of their broods, scaring the men away as mama-lions do today. The intensity of the maternal instincts baffled the Orion Men who, as hunters, were innately disposed to absorb the animal powers by a killing magic, a far cry from the reproductive magic of Gaian mitosis. Due to no fault on either side the instincts of the Men conflicted with those of the Sidhe. Due to the inability of both parties to master these differences, the demand of male sacrifice by the Sidhe, although correct in terms of terrestrial symbiosis, led gradually to a perverted game of power that neither side could win.

Continue reading commentaries on Sloka One

Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2017 by John Lash.

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