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Commentaries I.4

NOTE: The commentaries on Translations from the Andromedan present snatches of an alternative myth of the prehistory of the earth. The myth is not complete or sequential in these notes, but it can be gleaned from the highlights. Selected themes are indicated in the table of contents in assist in navigating through these notes.

Sloka One: Sweet Talk in the Syrene Limb

6   Suppose then that time does flow and,

numinous discernment. Tibetan ye-shes, Greek gnosis, cognate with Sanskrit jnana, “pristine cognition.” Lucid thinking that reflects the divine intelligence of Nature as manifest in the exquisite detail of transient phenomena.

7  The counsel of the Blue Prince  
tragically oversexed zone Originally the Sidhe had no notion of sexual intercourse, or any other kind of intercourse.  Nor, strange to say, did the Orion Men. The Sidhe reproduced by asexual dreaming in their faery-mounds.  Gaian parthenogenesis occurred spontaneously when they retreated to the mounds during certain seasons, under certain configurations of stars. The myriad species emerged in plasmatic strands like jointed tubular balloons extruding from the navel-stars of the spellbound women. Each species assumed the form and traits of the celestial configuration to which it was timed. (These natal patterns were later preserved in Zodiacal/Animal correspondences.)  Eons after the mounds had been abandoned, the secret of Gaian dream-gestation was recovered and applied by Asian magicians to produce tulpas, living phantoms that assume a life of their own.

The Orion Men did not reproduce at all. They periodically reconfigured themselves by returning to their matrix, M42, the Great Nebula in Orion. This is the cosmic locale recognized by Andromedans as the origin of the Pleromic Stain of the Anthropos, the human species. Even when immersed in intricate hunting rituals in the Gaian habitat, the Men remained linked to their celestial matrix, the repository of their original but formless identity. They were connected to the Nebula by an infinitely long elastic secretion that formed a shining filament, a tensile thread.
The hunters were anatomically joined in the Orion Nebula, but the Sidhe were anatomically grounded in the body of Gaia, the planet itself. The primal women had plasma-bodies derived from the terrestrial elements, by contrast to the Men whose anatomical forms emerged from a world beyond the earth, the celestial matrix visible in the blue-red stain of Orion. In the late history of the human species these discrete groundings were crudely and partially understood so that maleness came to be identified with sky and femaleness with earth. Erroneously taken for mental constructs, these “correspondences” existed long before humanity had the cerebral capacity to conceive them in abstract terms. The disparate origin of the terrestrial genders is perhaps the deepest mystery in the hidden history of the earth.  That the Anthropos, the cosmic template for earthbound humanity, was bi-located in two realms, celestial and terrestrial, is routine knowledge to Andromedans, but on earth it presents a most daunting enigma.

Andromedans share with their earthbound counterparts the imaginal syntax that associates the body of man with the cosmos at large and the body of women with the earth, but they view this double metaphor in a more comprehensive manner. In human terms the correlation deviates wildly by elevating maleness into the exemplary model of humanity, even into the pure and perfect reflection of the Celestial Deity, or it deviates the other way, elevating femaleness to a superior level, taking the Goddess for the sole Divinity in the cosmos, and so forth.  The problem may never be resolved unless humans come to realize, as Andromedans do, that humanity appears on earth by the conjoining of two distinct components of the species template dissociated at their origin. The unique status of being human does not belong to either gender alone, but it arises co-emergently when, and only when, the genders recognize each other. 

Natives of M31 are constantly amazed that their human counterparts do not recognize their originating matrix in the Pleromic Stain in Orion. This being so, it is inevitable that any suggestion of extra-Gaian origins arouses the fantasy of a celestial Creator, a divine male parent, “Our Father who art in Heaven.”  But the Orion Men, far from being the “Father Gods” of the species, are merely the hapless instigators of fatherhood, biological reproduction. 

Full-blown gender antagonism arose relatively late in the chthonic romance but the healing of this horrific plight is impossible unless its remote origins are understood. Without reckoning the bizarre gender-split of the Anthropos, the full scope of sexual hatred on earth is inexplicable. And incurable.  On Andromeda the act of sexual intercourse is purely aesthetic. Natives in that parallel world view with modest detachment the range of crude sexual conjugations in the Gaian habitat. No such detachment is possible for a species imaginatively isolated in its cocoon of narcissistic craving. All habits of cruelty and control stem from failure to acknowledge the gender-split. In this sense, anatomy truly is destiny… Yet the error is correctable, for the Sidhe and the Orion Men belong cosmogenically to the same template. Andromedans realize that since the human sexes are two dissociated parts of a single experiment, the purpose of the experiment can be restored by gender reconciliation.

those aside Andromedan slang for  mirroring counterparts on earth.

double axe and butterfly  When the Orion Men arrived in the Gaian habitat, they brought rudimentary technology reflecting the six-dimensional format of the Trapezium, the grounding star-pattern of their nebular matrix. The “trapeze” is a lop-sided rhombus sustained by the phase-locked fractal resonance of two wambly triangles, hence a six-dimensional strange attractor. This odd conflux permeates the elementary mind-set of the Orion Men and determines their characteristic way of perceiving.  When not totally absorbed in the extroverted spell of hunting, they tend to contemplate triangles and variations of triangular forms such as the tetraktys  (a triangular arrangement of ten dots in four rows), tetrahedra, octahedra, trapezoids of all varieties, pyramids consisting of four triangular sides, etc.  The consummate functional example of their mentality is the bow, a flexible stress-triangle which, when pulled into a rhomboid shape and released, shoots arrows through space.

The hunters from Orion brought the bow-and-arrow technology to earth, but they did not keep it to themselves. They introduced archery to the Sidhe. Unlike the Men, Gaian women are keen-sighted. They had noticed thin projectiles shooting through the air, magically it seemed, bringing down fleet  animals and even birds in flight, but were unable to conceive  how the projectiles were projected. Nothing native to earth resembled  this activity except certain crystals, but crystals did not act in the same way. They radiated streaming projectiles aligned to Gaian magnetic floes, but they did not shoot at random trough the atmosphere.

The story of how some Gaian women took up the bow and arrow is recalled with deep concern on M31. Andromedans realize that this innovation effectuated a decisive split (a “chaotic bifurcation” in earthside terms) in Gaian symbiosis. The ensuing crisis totally altered the humanity’s relation to its habitat. For one thing, it produced a second branching of the Kerali root-lineage, a breed of women called the Huntress Strain.  Some  of the Sidhe became intensely competitive with the Orion Men. In relatively few eons the Huntress women became better archers then the Men! Their extraordinary skill devolved from a shift of their proper magical endowment, following the cosmic principle known through myriad worlds as the Cool Hand Rule:  techne importede from outside a habitat alters the faculties innate to that habitat.

Among the Sidhe the Animal Dreaming involved the ability to modulate the myriad species. The increase and decrease of species varied with the vagaries of the Dreaming and reflected the larger moods of Gaia, She who is the overseeing Aeon of the planet. Because Gaian symbiosis is chaotic, its massive, earth-encompassing dynamism is subject to minute influences. (On earth this phenomenon is recognized in the “Butterfly Effect.”) Consistent with the Cool Hand Rule, any technology not evolved within a habitat will alter how the natives relate to the habitat, but the Rule is not absolutely invariant. The deviance induced by the technical innovation depends upon a receptional nexus in native behavior.  

The bow-and-arrow technology imported from Trapezium, the home-system of the hunters, would have been incomprehensible to the Gaian natives had it not in some way resembled their own endowment. On cosmic odds the chances of this were staggeringly remote, but Andromedans see in this cosmic fable a truth that humanity has yet to learn: the Men who brought the technology belonged to the same template as the women who adopted it, for the Sidhe of Gaia also originate from the Anthropos Stain.

How did the fateful rapport come to be revealed? The Sidhe found in  archery the techne corresponding to their native activity: oneiric projection, the Dreaming of myriad species. In the same way that they projected animals from navel-points above their pubic triangles, the Orion hunters projected triangular-pointed arrows from the flexed triangles of their  bows. The first intimations that something new was happening in the habitat came to the Sidhe when they felt in their arching haunches, rhythmically tensed to the long-wave emanations of encircling constellations as they pumped balloon-like extrusions from their tummies, a resemblance to the tension-release of  the bow and arrow. In the tension of the bow and then its release, sending the arrow intended to kill the prey, they found a semblance of their own maternal activity. The analogy was so fascinating it distracted them from the intention of the arrow’s flight.

Archery captivated the Sidhe because it appeared to be a way to project intent  without internal support, without the gestating throes. This seemed like a totally new kind of magic, something that could be done without effort, without tapas, inner exertion. The exertion of internal (biochemic) heat was necessary to channel the Gaian heat-floes, the ultimate source of mothering for the myriad species. The effort required was not painful or displeasurable, but the novelty of non-effort caught the women’s attention. The projection of intent through the eyes, innate to the endowment of the Orion Hunters, presented a fascinating game to the Sidhe. The bow-and-arrow was a game-prosthesis hard to resist because it allowed them to simulate without effort their own proper endowment. Little did they guess how the adoption of archery would effect their parthenogenic capacities, ultimately changing the women who adopted it right down into the structure of their wombs, or what later were to become their wombs.

Those faymales who took up the bow mutated into the Huntress Strain. This branching produced a lineage of priestesses named Diana, Artemis, or generically, Potnia Therion, the Lady of the Beast. In the Homeric Hymn to the Pythian Apollo, the Huntress is celebrated as “she who delights in arrows.”  So profound was the bifurcation in Gaian symbiosis provoked by the arrow-delighting women that some indigenous peoples introduced taboos and insisted that “women are not supposed to handle arrows, especially sacred ones.” (Paul Radin, The Trickster) But the taboos were spurious, for the most part, and they came far too late.

Orion Men turned meek before the superior hunting skills of the Sidhe but some of them, still prone to excessive plasmatic extrusions, raised a protest by loud drumming and tore up trees in a male tantrums. They foolishly adopted tree-trunks for hand-to-hand combat to demonstrate their prowess; hence Orion, although he assumes the stately posture of an archer, is lumpishly pictured holding a club. This was the first of their petulant reactions but it would not be the last. The competition between the Orion hunters and the Huntress women took many arcane turns.
 In a bizarre twist, they formed competing troupes, the Men taking for their emblem the double axe, and the women, the butterfly.

Curiously, the form of the double axe resembles the wingspan of a butterfly, but this analogy was lost on the two genders who were by now in brazen competition, even if only for the thrill of the game. To the Orion hunters the double axe represented their superior brain-power, for the two lobes of their brains were more distinct, more structurally separated than the brains of the Sidhe, though both were fully human brains. The double axe commemorated the two interlocking triangles of their home-system, Trapezium. The hunters wanted to remind the Gaian women that the technology so pleasing to them had come from male brain-oweroriginating in an extraterrestrial zone. They asserted that their prowess was celestial and cerebral. Well, true enough, it was. 

For their part, the Huntress women wanted to remind the Men that they, and they alone, could bring down a butterfly with an arrow.That was the signature of their prowess. 
Volupsa  Old Norse, “the speaking of the volva, or sibyl.” Name for the oracular recitation preserved in the Eddas, a corpus of Icelandic poetry that exhibits some Andromedan features. In Norse myth the sibyl was called vala or volva, indicating that female genitalia are capable of speaking for themselves. The divining powers of the volva extend over many World Ages: she “personifies the record of the past: her memory, reaching back through the ‘foretime’ recalls nine former world trees, long since dissolved and now reliving.” (Elsa-Brita Titchenell. The Masks of Odin) The volva recalls giants who lived in former times, the god-like denizens of Niflheim, “cloudhome,” the realm of the nebulae, and she imparts secret knowledge to male shamans descended from the monstrous cloud-giants.  Barbara Walker says that the volva is a shape-shifting woman who may appear as a swan, mare or raven.

The universal bond between earthbound Woman and the visionary shaman-poet reflects the tutelary role of “the Mothers” to the Orion Men. This is the more gentle, more beautiful part of a story about the Sidhe and the Men, an adventure that took eons to unfold. In some cases instruction led to love, and there to this day is a cognitive factor in love. Long before they were ever romanticized in earthside poetry, ill-fated heroes still pure in virya romanced the Gaian women of all three strains, Kerali, Sultress and Huntress. The pathos of chthonian romance was felt most intensely when some of the hunters glimpsed their limits and, rather than rebounding straight to their home-system, climbed into the trees to die ecstatically in the arms of the hamadryads whose beauty had seduced them. Through love for that beauty they learned to transcend death and become sweet-gendered males.
Later the romance declined and Eros became something of an initiatory path. The volva spoke only sporadically to human males in the way the Mothers originally  did. The initiation of Socrates by Diotima, sibyl of Mantinea in the Peloponnesus, is one of the last recorded instances that reflects, perhaps, a glimmer of the primordial tutelage.

twelve similes of Naropa  Analogies used in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism to describe the apparitional nature of the phenomenal world:

A magic spell, a dream, a gleam before the eyes,
A reflection, lightning, en echo, a rainbow,
Moonlight upon water, cloud-land, dimness,
Before the eyes, fog and apparitions,
There are the twelve similes of the phenomenal.
(H.V. Guenther, The Life and Teachings of Naropa )

Conclusion of commentaries on Sloka One.

Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2017 by John Lash.

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