Book Reviews
In the course of writing metahistory.org, going on eight years now, I have been so challenged by the task of developing and organizing the original content of the site that I have had little time to indulge in book reviews and the like. Here, for what they are worth, are the few reviews I did manage to squeeze out.
The Shock of
Knowing, a review of A Language Older Than Words by Derrick Jensen.
Finally, the Head-Heart
Connection, a review of The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph
Chilton Pearce.
The Candle of Vision by AE (George Russell)
The Sion Scenario,
a review of The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.
She Who Anoints,
a review of The Gospel of Mary of Magdala by Karen King.
The Message of Judas, various books on the Gospel of Judas
Note that the last review is included both in the reading/reviews folder and under the section on Magdalene who has her own button on the nav panel.