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Commentaries II.1

NOTE: The commentaries on Translations from the Andromedan present snatches of an alternative myth of the prehistory of the earth. The myth is not complete or sequential in these notes, but it can be gleaned from the highlights. Selected themes are indicated in the table of contents in assist in navigating through these notes.

Sloka Two: Walking the Alameda

The day we were all shot with neutrinos

“A blue supergiant dissects itself in a cosmic explosion” is the title of an article by Stephen P. Maran (Source unknown. Lines in italics are from this article.) The author describes an extremely rare and spectacular celestial event: an exploding star that appeared in February 1987 close to the Tarantula Nebula in the Larger Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the O24, the Orion Galaxy. Observable uniquely from the southern hemisphere, the supernova was so bright that it could be seen for months with the naked eye.

Tarantula Nebula

A preceding supernova of equivalent brilliance erupted in the Andromeda Galaxy  in 1885.  Although M31 in its entirety is just barely detectible to the naked eye, the 1885 supernova, a single star among the 320 billion in that Galaxy, was distinctly visible in a bright flare that outshown the entire disk. This means that in 1885, not just the Andromeda galaxy was visibile to the naked eye, but a single star in that galaxy was visible. This is as if a single cell in your body exploded into light and its luminosity engulfed the entire body.

Asuramaya's chronology provides a tentative match between earth time and what is (rather facetiously) called time on M31. In this timeframe, 1885 is a momentous, unprecedented year for human evolution. Andromedans believe that their supernova, even though it may not have been consciously observed by many people, drew enormous subliminal attention on earth. Because they tend to see events on earth through the lens of poetic-literary allusion, natives of M31 regard the 1885 supernova as the signal that triggered  the Modernist  movement. It was  the birth-omen of Velamir Khlebnikov, HD, Ezra Pound, Sabina Spielrein, D. H. Lawrence and many others.

Lake Manasa Short name of Lake Manasarowar of Hindu legend, known in Tibetan as Mapham Yum-Tso. This lake is widely cited in Hindu and Tibetan Tantric lore as the most sacred site dedicated to Shiva, the pre-eminent shamanic deity of Dravidian India. It is situated beneath Mount Kailasa in the lower Kangri range of the Himalayas. Master shamans of the Bon Po and Dzogchen traditions are also closely associated with Lake Manasa. Its reflection ("apposition," to use the proper Andromedan term) on Andromeda appears on the underside side of the inner loop of the Syrene Limb.           

Messier List  A catalogue of nebulous objects compiled by French comet-hunter, Charles Messier [1730 -1817]  from observations made at his tower observatory at the Hotel de Cluny in Paris. It lists the most spectacular deep-sky objects of the northern skies by numbers: M31 for the Andromeda Galaxy, M42 for the Orion Nebula.

Andromedans see in the nebular Messier objects evidence of Pleromic experiments involving miraculous bursts of sentient life like the Anthropos, the template for the human species on earth. 

Blessed Inner Damsel Body  Shrirupamanjari in Sanskrit, Ciaobella in Italian. Secret name in Tibetan Tantra for the Andromedan Muse who  unites plasmically with human doubles, effecting a fusion state in moments of mystic, sexual, or poetic transport.

The Amrita-ratna-vada, “Jewel Necklace of  Immortality”, of Mukundadasa is a Sanskrit redaction of an Andromedan sea-chant sung by boating parties on the Wending Sea. It says of the Muse “in Her body of eternity She helps the adept master all the passions.” The awareness of bilocation, living simultaneously in two bodies at once, is suggested in the awkwardly rendered 17th Century verses:

A Divine Body must emerge within the physical body, or not at all.
So how may men and women of human type come to know
they possess two distinct bodies? 
The Necklace of Immortality: A Seventeenth Century Vaishnava Text” (Glen A. Hayes, in Tantra in Practice)

Bilocation stabilizes with glimpses of the Damsel Body, hence the practice of earthside sexual Tantra, not really intended for the visualization of the partners, each seeing  the other as a Divinity with the spurious aim of realizing their “identity with God,”  but for heightened perception in the moment of pre-orgasmic meltdown, when the plasmic doubles exude, phantom figures thrown free on the surf of tenderness, so that each consort is to the other the touchstone of co-emergent bliss  in the spontaneous rite of samarasa (“same-tasting”), pleasure that eats itself.

For Asuramaya and the estuary bards of M31, lifetimes of sky-watching would produce the same effect. The Damsel Body is a torso of supple dark light, lapis-black, gleaming inwardly with bright gemmated code-banks of nucleic acid. Osiris and Krishna in flesh are lapis, hence Osirian Light, the Superorganic Light, which is totaly black. The black nucleated light of the Blessed Inner Damsel Body is like a gleam on what Castaneda called the dark sea of awareness.

Hubble  Edwin Hubble [1889 - 1953], American astronomer who in October 1923  discovered that some of the Messier objects, previously taken for  indistinct blotches in the local region of the heavens, were actually immesnely distant external galaxies. This insight allowed him to surmise that the earth was situated in one such free-floating galaxy among a vast array of cosmic bodies, “island universes” populated with billions of possible worlds, floating in infinite space.

The photographic negative Hubble obtained with the high-powered Palomar telescope allowed him to determine that one detail in the Messier object 31 was a cepheid variable, hence the scribbled exclamation VAR! Upon confirming the existence of this one star, Hubble surmised that the entire blotch was a free-floating vortex of stars, an external galaxy.

The Dendera Zodiac displays our parallel universe, the Andromeda Galaxy, by an utchat, "Eye of Horus," in a circle to the left (west) of the upper Fish, accurately representing its celestial location. In fact, the ecliptic longitude line extending up to M 31 lies exactly as shown between the RAM and the FISHES. The longitude of Andromeda is marked by the star at the apex of the V, the knot of the cord that joins the Fishes: this is 28 Aries in the sign zodiac. Note how the imagery shows two Vs: that of the cord joining the Fishes, and that formed by the Ram's tail and the left or vertical cord. This detail bring double emphasis to the alignment of M 31 with the V-formation beneath the ecliptic rim, the defining line of the zodiac.

According to R. H. Allen (Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, 1899), the earliest recorded observation of M 31 occurs in a star catalogue compiled by "Al Sufi" in 986. He notes that classical stellographers such as Hipparchos and Ptolemy, known to have been keen observors of the sky, did not mention it; and it was excluded from later, updated star maps by expert skywatchers such as Tycho Brahe, Bayer, and others. Curious. Was there a tradition of secrecy associated with singling out Andromeda?

Perhaps so. The name Al Sufi might not indicate a person but a group of the Sufi Order, that is, devotees of Sufia/Sophia. Some Sufi groups, known for experiments in astral projection and ecstatic flight, might have considered bilocating to M 31 as "the ultimate trip." The mirror-world hypothesis (asserted by Paul Davies and many other hard-core materialist scientists of our day) would have been to such shamans more than an hypothesis. The term parallel universe is not strictly correct, by the way. The Universe is the totality of all galaxies, island universes, in Hubble's idiom. M 31 is a mirror galaxy to O 24, the Orion Galaxy where the solar system and the earth are located.

Whatever the case regarding secret mystical knowledge of M 31, the date of the earliest recorded observation is striking. This is, to the year, the date of Parzival's attainment of the Holy Grail. What does encountering the Organic Light have to do with observation of the Andromeda Galaxy? Both are supreme mystical events in the lives of Gaian shamans: the first is grounded in the mortal human body, the second comes with bilocation, self-awareness in the plasmic double or dreaming body.

the supernova had spawned a double  New York Times, Saturday, May 15, 1987: “Stellar Explosion Reported to Spawn Mysterious Twin” by Malcolm M. Browne. Not yet over their bafflement about the birth of SN 1987A from a blue supergiant, astronomers were further astonished by the appearance of a twin-star at the locale of the cosmic explosion.

"The supernova (remnant) and its apparent companion lie in the Greater Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy to our Milky Way, at a distance of about 150,000 light-years from earth. The instrument used by the Harvard-Smithsonian group measured the distance between the two supernova elements as about one twentieth of an arc second. This is about the separation a human eye would see between the headlights of a car some 5,000 miles away.”  
Dr. Robert W. Noyes of the Harvard-Smithsonian Observatory considered the twin so puzzling that he and his team revisited Chile to study it further. “We don’t know what’s happening, but we certainly need to know more about this companion...”

9 Asuramaya sighed.

varnamala. Sanskrit, “garland of letters.” In Hindu Tantra, the supreme power manifesting the universe is the Adya Devi, pictured as a naked goddess of human form  adorned with a necklace of flowers. The blossoms (varna) are matrika, “templates” that carry base-codes for the resonant frequencies of vibration from which all phenomena arise. This imagery typifies Hindu sound theory, the notion that everything that exists is born of sound.

that sexual duality / by poetics just might be exposed.  Andromedans are at a loss to imagine how anything can go right in their mirroring world on earth as long as humanity does not realize that sexual duality is due to cosmic partition of the species, not merely to gender division within one and the same biological program. Lacking this elementary knowledge, humans remain in deep confusion about the two forms of behavior essential to the Andromeda connection: dreaming and stalking.

The Men from Orion were stalkers attracted to the hunting magic found uniquely in the Gaian system, cradle of myriad species. Their anatomical type was A-form, Alpha variant of the Anthropos, the Aeonic template for homo sapiens. (Hence, perhaps, the off-putting term “Alpha-male.”) Their body-form was originally plasmatic, later to co-mutate with somatic doubles in the Gaian habitat and finally to fossilize in the fully somatic, physical, organ-bound body of the hapless lummox, Australopithicus. The Men first appeared as odd roiling clouds in the upper atmosphere, gaseous blotches menacing the ivory-domed pavilions of the Gaian menageries, fog-like monstrosities, turbulent Earth Divers of the Maidu, copycat  avatars of the Vishnavaite Boar of Heaven, Nainema to the Uitoto of Columbia, Lightning Brothers of the Kakadu,  “They-who-are-appearance-only” with acca-threads like succulent Hawaiian finger-pulp, inchoate Nephilim Dads, Mist Men of the Icelandic Eddas, engorged nebula-males who coupled with the daughters of earth according to the quaint taint of Biblical idiom.

The Orion Men were fully human, but they represented the expression of only one half of the template for homo sapiens projected by the Pleromic Aeons. These split-off transdimensional entities displayed  in anatomical form the extreme  torque of the species’ body-format  toward “maleness,” the Alpha-limit. Their bodies were streamlined in the manner of Cycladean statuary. This anatomical design was projected without indicators from the celestial matrix of the Orion Nebula. Eventually it devolved (or degenerated) into the typical form of the human male. The process transpired over hundreds of millions of years. 

The Anthropos template is a web-like membrane located in the Sword of Orion, not the Belt.  From there the Men ventured out to other worlds like cosmic daredevils suspended on infinitely extensible bungee-cords. Originally the genitalia of the Orion Men were threaded to a current, an indelible filament that connected the free-roaming males to the template. The genital filament was a silvery fibrous cable, later to be called the “silver cord” in occult teachings such as theosophy. Among Polynesian shamans it was called the acca-thread.

At the other anatomical extreme from the Men was the Omega-type, the anatomical mold of the Gaian women or Sidhe who represent the complementary half of the Anthropos template.  The Sidhe also originate from the Anthropos template in the Orion Nebula but their emergence into becoming was coveal with the Gaian world-system. Their sexual-organic make-up is grounded in the earth while the Orion Men are genitally bonded to the celestial matrix in the Trapezium.The gender differences of the human species do not merely arise biologically within the species in earthbound evolution, but they are predetermined by cosmic partition or shearing in the extraterrestrial matrix, the Pleromic Stain.

This is "the separation of the sexes," the gender split of the human species in the Dreamtime before prehistory.

How the two split-off counterparts of the same template came to encounter each other and, what is more outrageous, to couple and reproduce, is the long untold story of the remote prehistory of humankind. Devolution from the plasmatic stage to organ-bound physicality took many eons. Sexual reproduction was the last stage in this long degenerate slide. Biologically both sexes emerge from a female ground-plan with just a subtle gene shift (keyed to the Y-chromosome) to distinguish male anatomy from the female matrix. This happens because the female body is coeval with the earth. Everyone born in the Gaian realm must come into it, not only through the actual body of women, emerging from between her legs, but through the mold of woman.

Anatomically the male form is streamlined, consistent with its original activity of transdimensional travel. The Alpha anatomy was adapted to rapid and unimpeded passage through space. Breasts are reduced, fleshy curves minimized, the body-lines “hardened.”   The ideal male form is sleek and taut, hence the Greek model of Apollonian manhood embodied in the Koure, virgin-boy anatomy.  Only the externally deployed genitals present a seeming contradiction to the overall design. But it was not always so. Originally the male genitalia was a compact  unit packed  away as tightly as the purse-like pudendum of a virginal girl. The Orion Men possessed no magically self-erecting phallic wand, no floppy ballistic accessories. The purpose of their bud-like organ was to secrete acca for the thread that connected the Men to the home template. In place of the comically ungainly apparatus of penis and scrotum they possessed a potent gland that both secreted the thread and retained it.

The archaic genital arrangement is preserved in the acorns of oaks, consisting of a larger kernel with a smaller one at right angles on the same stem-tip. In the Orion anatomy the “larger acorn” was a body cavity in which the acca-fluid was preserved, and the “smaller acorn” was a bud-like extrusion by which the thread was exuded and withdrawn. Rather like the comic-book hero Spiderman, the hunters from Orion were connected to their home-system by an infinitely extensible filament. The extension of the genital cord allowed them to dive in and out of the Nebula at will. When the storage gland became depleted, they returned to home base to rejuice, then they “got off” again.

Primeval nuts: the photo by Andy Slade appears an in interesting
article on oak and acorn mythology on www.paganspace. net

Shamanic traditions on earth preserve clouded memories of the antics of the Orion hunters. In Japanese lore the cord for shamanic shenanigans was ritually reproduced as a left-handed rope, knotted at the bottom, woven of rice straw pulled up by the roots. It failed to serve for cosmic transport, of course, yet the act of concentration required to ritually wind such a cord induced the heightened attention for exploring other  worlds. (Stalking is a method of ritual behavior.)  All variations of shamanic ascent to heaven involve the cord motif. All derive from the first visitations of the Orion Men to the Gaian habitat. This is why the aboriginal heaven is called a “happy hunting ground,” a paradise thriving with exotic wildlife. The heaven described is actually the earth.

In Tibetan lore derived from indigenous Bon Po shamanism the expression “opening the door of the sky” (nam mkha’ sgo ‘byed) “designates ascent into the celestial sphere by means of a magical rainbow light cord (dmu)...The dmu cord is the symbol of communication between earth and sky: this word is also found in divinatory rites, in which it connotes ‘the cord for ascending to the sky.’ ”  (Orofino, Tantra in Practice)  The ascent is possible because it had been preceded by a descent: the Orion Men descended from M42 on a streamer of the Aeonic template for the human species. Their bodies were huge emulsions that stained the skies, produced violent weather and engendered stunning displays of thunder and lightning. They were remembered as “storm-gods.”

“According to ancient narratives, the dmu cord was used by the early kings to descend to earth and then re-ascend to heaven after their death” (ibid.) In Egyptian religion, rituals of sacred kingship were associated uniquely with Orion, Asar, the Skywalker. Shahs, emperors and pharaohs, all ancient theocrats, were descendants of  hunter-shamans who were in turn late plasmic-somatic hybrids of the Nefhilim, the nebula-men. They were universally identified with Orion because they came from there, not from the stars in the belt but from Trapezium in the “sword,” the phallic detail.

“And kingship descended from heaven,” says the Enuma Elish, but the text is corrupt, or it has been read corruptly. The institution of kingship did not descend from heaven, the candidates for it did. “And the royal lines descended from heaven” is closer to the true meaning of this famous quote. “Royal lines” came to signify biological inheritence, but originally it indicated the prasmatic streamers, acca-cords.

Sacred kingship, or theocracy, is the basis of all ancient civilization. It was not brought to earth by extraterrestrials but it was invested in human males who came from a celestial locale beyond the earth. In its initial form the status of sacred kingship was conferred on men by the Goddess Gaia through her priestesses. Women of the Sultress Strain were prominent in this ritual. They were hierodules, temple prostitutes like priestesses of Aphrodite and Anath who tested the moral qualities of the royal candidate with their erotic skills. The candidate who did not show tenderness and patience on the conjugal bed was not allowed to assume the role of king. In the ceremony of hieros gamos, sacred marriage, the power of the genital thread was ritually transferred from its celestial grounding point to the earth. The king’s duty to “plow” the priestess and (symbolically) fertilize the earth was evidence of his willingness to accept this transfer and thus become totally human, earthbound, consecrated to Gaia.

The hunters used teleportation out of the Nebula to reach the Gaian habitat  and return from it. They were stalkers who had a free range of the cosmos, a staggering feat to the Gaian native women who could not teleport freely although they enjoyed an exchange-system with certain star-relatives. The Sidhe were dreamers who intent worked in another way.

Dreaming and stalking present the true strategic reflexes of sexual duality within the human species, but the boundaries are flexible and many playful changes can occur. There are cross-gender dreamings and stalkings....

To Andromedans the tragedy unfolding on earth looks as complex as it is, but at least the true nature of human sexual duality is clear to them. Because the Orion Men and the Sidhe did not recognize in each other their derivation from the same template, the species eventually produced by their union suffers from an identity-problem of truly cosmic  proportions.  Profound abuse and deception feed on this age-old confusion. To see the Divine in bodily form, aesthetically, appears to Andromedans as a provisional solution, a  way for humanity to heal this deep archaic split. Sadly, the narcissistic virus that has raged on earth since the midpoint of Kali Yuga (around 550 BCE) makes this option extremely elusive. Looking for divinity within themselves in some sentimental and disembodied way, human beings are not even attracted to the beauty of corporeal form, transsexually divined. They prefer to see divinity—or what’s worse, really, to look for it—in their egos, their precious “inner” selves.

Andromedans fervently hold the intent of sexual healing for their earthbound doubles. To this end they perform aesthetic rites and pour the effects earthward in their fusioned gaze. Collectively they aspire to awaken in humanity the vision of the Gaia Body, image of true Womankind. Natives of M31 are pleased that humanity sees in the physical planet the body of Gaia, but they intend more: to see the Gaia Body in the form of woman. The switch they intend is almost lost in translation due to the human error of thinking that words depend on meaning, when in reality meaning depends on words.

In human imagination the “Earth Goddess” is pictured as a women due to what is called “anthropomorphic  projection.”  Andromedans know the inverse is true: She does not have to borrow the form of woman, even imaginatively, because all women have Her form.  To visualize the Gaia Body in woman’s form prepares the perception of the Body. The form is divine, hence the power of woman’s body, or even the image or the mere suggestion of it, to cast a spell over men and women alike. Andromedans want to see this spell reversed. The male form is also divine but it does not carry the equivalent charge of sacred power, mana, within the Gaian habitat, since it is not formally designed to reflect that habitat. The divinity of the male form is “ideal,” out-of-this-world, the Platonic and Apollonian model of beauty, abstracted from Nature.

Commentaries on Stanza 9 continued

Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2017 by John Lash.

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