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Lord Krishna of Drudari   The mirror counterpart to Krishna’s earthside court of Vrindavasi is Drudari, the numinous center of social life on M31. This Andromedan word is oddly similar to the old Provencal word, drudaria, “la cour faite aux dames.”
Amor courtois in Provencal and fins amor in Occitan are literary terms from the cult of Romantic love that flourished in Europe between the 8th and the 12th  centuries. In Asia the movement was reflected in the rise of Vaishnava devotism, the worship of Krishna as the sensuous epiphany of Divine Love. The romance of Krishna and Radha was celebrated in the Gitagovinda, a long poem complied by Jayadeva. Dated to the 12th century, it belongs to the same historical era as the Provencal cult of Amor. This amazing period in European history produced the Tristan of Gottfried von Strassbourg, the climactic love poetry of the Troubadours, and culminated in the Donna me Priegha of Guido Cavalcanti [d. 1250]. This fleeting and ill-fated interval of human experience reflects the timeless social structure on Andromeda where all relations are regulated by the co-emergent resonance of Tantric coupling.

Some scholars argue that the love-play of Krishna and Radha represents the interplay of divine and human, but this proposition is problematic for earthside hearts. A troubled and troubling notion, to say the least. For Andromedans the interplay of divine and human provides the basis of their social structure, yet without the pretences attached to divinity in human terms. Natives of M31 see in Jayadeva’s poem a distant reflection of court manners in their galaxy. They understand intuitively that although “Radha (human) has no identity apart from Krishna (divine)¼, her union with him basically alters the structure of Krishna’s divine personality.” (Barbara Stoller Miller, “Radha,” in The Divine Consort.) The beauteous collusion in which the human effects the divine is crucial to “the nature of the love that Krishna embodies to save the world in Kali Yuga” (Miller). Sadly, this transforming secret will elude human hearts as long as the gender-split of the human species is not understood by members of earthbound humanity the way it is by their Andromedan counterparts.
bilocution Under the influence of the psychotropic potion brewed from ahayuasca, Yaminahua shamans of the Peruvian Amazon recite long passages called koshuiti, “spirit-songs,”  thus translating visual hallucinations into a ridding language. The complex metaphors produce tsai yoshotoyosho, “language-double-twisting,” a semantic expression of the shamanic rite of bilocution.

When anthropologist Jeremy Narby (The Cosmic Serpent) investigated the connection between the “trance language” of the Yaminahua ayahuascqueros and the genetic language of DNA, he found that the shamanic language was grammatically twisted and entwined just like the master molecule of life. This seems more than a clever trope, for shamans who use bilocution are not merely playing word-games. The language they invent arises spontaneously from the experience of being in two worlds at once. In bilocation, perceptual parameters that bind the shaman to a single-world system are loosened and temporarily suspended. One result is that matter is detected infrastructurally, rather than as a holgraphic perception organized from outside.  Shamans thus perceive the molecular structure of living matter and learn the secrets of biochemistry directly from nature, as proven by their astonishing knowledge of pharmacological properties.
a swan song for the Kalpa   During his tenure at the court of  Lord Krishna, Asuramaya undertook the task of coordinating events on Andromeda with parallel events on earth. The device he used for synchronization was a long-term celestial event, the precession of the equinoxes.  Precessional timing is tracked by the shift of the spring equinox (or vernal point, VP) through the constellations on the path of the sun (Zodiac) at a mean rate of 72 years for one degree. This movement determines the timing of the World Ages in a retrograde pattern, opposite the natural order of the Zodiac. Reckoned by earthside calendrics the VP since 120 BCE has been sliding through the Fishes (Pisces), indicating that humanity entered the Piscean Age at that time. 
The shift into the Piscean Age is a matter of constant wrangling among earthside pundits, but without the Andromedan synchronization worked out by Asuramaya they lack the key to the timing and its import for humanity. Experts are unable to answer even the elementary question of where the Zodiacal time-cycle begins. The boundary between the star-patterns of the Ram and the Fishes is distinct and discernible to the naked eye, so the transit of the VP into the Fishes poses no great difficulty. But this says nothing about the where the Piscean Age stands in the overall cycle of precessional timing.  The World Ages measured by the constellations of the Zodiac form a circle and a circle has no start-point unless one is designated. What then is the first Age in the cycle of the Zodiacal Ages?

From the Andromedan perspective, the solution is self-evident. Or so it was to Asuramaya. Once in every 26,000 years the annual rites of spring on earth are coordinated with the Turtle Eye Dances, the most sacred festival on M31. The synchrony will be obvious to anyone who pictures the spring equinox aligned to Andromeda from earth. (Technically, this is called ELA, ecliptic longitudinal alignment.) In terrestrial star-lore ELA was recorded in story-lines that narrate the naked-eye vistas called paranatellonta. “Paranatellonta are the constellations that ‘rise   at the same time’ as a given one,” those that stand in ecliptic alignment with Zodiacal constellations. (Santillana and von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill.) The narrations based on common sidereal themes change at different latitudes as the angle of alignment shifts. Hence the Nordic myth of the Midgard Serpent and Bifrost Bridge  -- Hydra and its related Zodiacal constellation, the Crab, respectively -- converts to a different song-line in more southerly latitudes where the paranatellonton presents a different vista.
Using the rate of 71.428 years (71 years and 153 days) preferred by Hindu astronomers, Asuramaya computed the alignment of M31 to the Spring Equinox for a date equivalent to 18 BCE by earthside calendrics. The paranatellonton for that moment reveals the decisive outlines of human spiritual striving through the entire duration of the Piscean Age. It turns out that the Christian calender, a political device with no basis in cosmic timing, was just over eighteen years out of synch with precessional timing! Asuramaya and his colleagues at Lord Krishna’s court were oblivious to this coincidence, of course, for the Christian calender would not be invented for another 3500 years to come. Nevertheless, the coincidence was fortuitous. The small discrepancy, adjusted to one lunar node cycle of 18.6 years, would be useful to later timekeepers who sought to align sacred and secular calendrics with the start-point of the Piscean Age by Andromedan reckoning on the Hindu estimate.

In view of this cosmic timing, the tragedy unfolding on earth in Kali Yuga was, and ever is, poignantly evident to the courtier-astronomers of Drudari. Earthside events proceed in perilous isolation as long as the natives remain oblivious to Andromedan synchrony. The conclusion of this perilous epoch will not come easily for earthbound humanity. Asuramaya determined that the end of Kali Yuga would not coincide with the end of the Piscean Age, but precede it by at least five centuries. With the VP remaining in the Fishes until 2800 CE, humanity is condemned to live out an uncertain and horribly distended future.
The situation carries a tricky solution, however. By Asuramaya’s reckoning, the Age of Darkness would conclude before the VP reached the far boundary of the Fishes -- a fortunate turn for humanity, perhaps. His estimated the end of the last fifth of the great precessional Kalpa to 2216 CE (current earthside chronology). Although the VP will still be in the Fishes in that year, humanity might by then have reached the far limit of the terminal phase of suffering that must transpire before the Andromeda Link is restored. Assuramaya’s poetics, closely parallel to his stellography, would represent a swan song for those last harrowing centuries of humanity’s decline.

2 Time, let’s suppose, flows and
Sarasvati  Hindu Goddess, literally “sweet-flowing.” Also called Adya Devi, the Supreme Shakti, associated with lyric and literary inspiration. The Tantric Muse, comparable to the Greek Mnemosyne, mother of the nine Muses. “She is the goddess of eloquence, of wisdom, of learning, the patroness of arts and music. She revealed language and writing to humanity. She is the mother of poetry.” (Alain Danielou, The Gods of India)

Brihaspati  Sanskrit name for the planet Jupiter, also the title for the priest of Jupiterian sacred sciences (astrology, astronomy, sky lore). “Pride of Brihaspati” is the formal title for Asuramaya in Drudari.
According to Joseph Campbell (The Masks of God: Oriental Mythology), “The god Brihaspati, priest of the gods, is ‘the lord (pati) of the roaring power (brh),’ the power of magical stanzas,” making him a clear counterpart to shamanic bards like Woden and Taliesin. The roaring power within the male anatomy produces the frenzy of the hunt as well as wut and furor, warrior-rage. This dangerous surfeit is redirected into the faculty of aural downloading by dhyana, yogic concentration.
Syrene Limb Like its mirroring counterpart the Orion Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy is a four-armed lenticular spiral. The earth-bearing solar system is located in the third outermost arm of the Orion Galaxy, mirroring the Syrene Limb on Andromeda.
Ill-fated Orion  According to Andromedan folklore, enmity between man and woman on earth first arose when male-type entities from a world in the Orion Nebula arrived on earth, then a terrestrial paradise inhabited only by wild women, and hunted to near extinction the magical animals of the Goddess Gaia. 
The native women were organic productions of the Earth Dreaming. Hence they were powerful dreamers who could produce from their bodies many species of animals, birds and insects. In their co-dreaming with the Goddess the first women manifested elaborate extrusions from the earth-torso. They contrived many-tiered palaces as ornate as Borobudur and Angkor, havens where the Gaian menagerie of sacred animals lived in hierarchal arrays. The women themselves lived naked in the open, retiring to deep barrows later known as “faery-mounds”. They reproduced asexually the vast mutations of exotic species in their charge, and, in a variation of the same asexual process, they reproduced themselves.

The Orion-based entities arrived on turbo-charged plasmic currents that brought odd turbulence to the serene skies over the white-domed animal pavilions. Their male-type bodies condensed slowly from the cloud-like magma of the Orion star-system, but they remained for eons gigantesque in stature and monstrous in their facultative endowment. They were driven by a roaring in their heads (later to be reproduced by the bull-roarer), a sound that engrossed them in the spell of hunting magic.  The hunt was not a mere thrill-seeking adventure, however. At first, it was neither a mystical quest for unity with the prey, nor a mindless lust for trophies. The Men were guided by a primary impulsion to seek totemic indicators that would reveal to them their roles in the cosmic order.  The Men were primordially endowed with diverse skills for stalking. Their blind intent produced a range of hunting skills, rites and guises.
At their first emergence from the Nebula the Men were inconscient channels of transdimensional intent, a force so pure, so newly forged, that it carried no marks of identification, no self-evolved signatures. They constructed an identity by accumulation of totemic indicators, yet they remained ignorant of their original cosmic identity, their inborn genetic signature. Eons later when all species came to exhibit distinct sexual traits, the male of the species was more ornate, more elaborately colored, festooned with wattles, antlers, all manner of exotic indicators. Accumulating totemic signs in their rather mindless way, Orion Men did not even suspect they might find their true reflection in the animal Other, the Mother Brood.

The mystery of the increase and decrease of species in Gaia entranced the hunters but they were unable to recognize its purpose. The ease of the Gaian women  in the Animal Dreaming both enthralled and perplexed them. Over eons the hunters returned again and again, lured ever deeper into the symbiotic mesh of the habitat. As they became skilled at tracking the magical animals of the Earth Goddess, they absorbed a vast range of totemic imprints. Time after time they returned to their home-system in Orion as reconfigured entities. There was no end to this lavish ornamentation but exposure to the Gaian paradise imbued them also with poignant longing. They were lured back to earth not only by the sheer adventure of the hunt, but even more so by the obscure promise of deepening contact with the native women. 
For the women themselves the hunt did not at first pose a threat to the miracle of Gaian symbiosis. It produced only slight variations in the increase or decrease of species. But over many eons the tempo changed, the frenzy deepened. As the Men absorbed totemic marks from the vast range of Gaian species they also acquired mana, a surcharge of vital force. Grounded in the earth, mana was a new and fascinating power, quite unlike the plasmic turbulence infused in them from their homebase, the nebular matrix, M42. Gradually the absorbed mana induced in their constitution a dynamic change, making them restless and aggressive. The earthbound mana agitated the Orion Men in a way that retarded the adaptation of their nebulous bodies to the atmospheric composition of the planet. Excess, male surfeit, was their inborn weakness. Now it became the signature of their outborn expression. They began to hunt more and more animals, more and more frequently, more and more blindly and indiscriminately. (Main classical source: Erastothenes, Catasterismoi, 32.)

The Gaian women observed this shift with keen concern. Instinctively they longed to protect the symbiotic balance of the planet and preserve its unique role as a transdimensional cradle for epigenetic mutations. Baffled by the spectacle of male excess, they were nevertheless patient with the intruders. With empathic skill they sensed the inner deficiency of the Men, but ignored the driving need that arose from it.  At a crucial moment the women made a fateful overture. They offered the hunters a totem animal for tenderness, one quality the Men were conspicuously lacking. They chose a long-eared rabbit, but the indicator was too obscure and the offering was rejected.  Thereafter the species dwindled pitifully, the rejected offer having thrown it out of the Dreaming. Eons later Orion in the skies came to be visualized with Lepus, the Hare, trailing at his heel, an archaic memory of the failed overture. (Rock painting, Lake Mazinaw, Southeast Ontario, date undetermined.) 
Due to faults in communication, the Gaian women were unable to negotiate with the Orion entities on a quota for the hunt. They simply did not know how to foster rapport with these male-type entities who appeared to them like an alien species. The situation slowly worsened but the native women still did not intervene directly by asserting their power. They did not reveal their intentions openly to the intruders, although some rudimentary forms of communication were established. Eventually Gaian priestesses responsible for the Animal Dreaming became distressed. Having observed that the Orion entities exhibited a peculiar form of mental activity based on counting and geometrical patterns, they responded with a complementary action: they set a quota on the hunt. The proposal was largely ignored, as if the hunters, who clearly could not set their own limits, were loathe to accept limits set by anyone else. The priestesses now took an extraordinary risk to impose a serious measure of control: they demanded the sacrifice of a male hunter to reciprocate an exceeded quota. The exchange of one hunter’s life for the lives of just-so-many magical animals was a fair act in the eyes of the Gaian women, but it fostered a seed of enmity between them and the Orion Men. 
In the Andromedan view these events were seminal to all later incidents of sexual antagonism in the human species. 
  With the quota imposed, the stage was set for the two genders to become fatefully intermeshed. The unresolved issue of male sacrifice set up a perennial pattern of mutual wariness. Close, one-on-one contact took many eons to develop. Intimate rapport emerged with painful slowness. Initial congress of the sex-types consisted of the mingling of the nebula-bodies of the Men with the dream-bodies (reproductive sheathes) of the women.  Then it changed to a mixed conjugation, the intermingling of plasmatic and somatic bodies. Then it devolved into a wild array of orgiastic permutations. Finally intercourse was performed in a purely somatic way: it came down to “carnal knowledge.” When biological coupling transpired it carried a terrible handicap. Gender relations plunged into a murky spiral of deepening enmeshment.
To Andromedan eyes sexual devolution is not inevitable. It could be arrested if the seed of enmity that engendered the insidious pattern of sexual-karmic antagonism between the Orion Men and the Gaian women were recognized mutually by both sides, both genders. The enmeshment of biological reproduction is revolting to natives of M31 for Andromedans do not reproduce sexually, i.e., by meiosis, the union of animal cells; rather by mitosis, nuclear division of somatic cells, in a manner that resembles the original mystery of the Animal Dreaming. Although Andromedans allow that sexual intercourse between human beings can be experienced as a mystical and esthetic rite, they view sexual reproduction as a horror. The Andromedan experience of sexuality is reflected in earthside practices of erotic mysticism in Gnosis and Tantra where procreation is rejected (or transcended,  if you prefer).
To have fallen into the trap of biological mating is the ill fate of the Orion Men.

Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2017 by John Lash.

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