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1, The Mythogenetic Method Demonstrated

In the seventh interview on PT with Grok the Talk, I proposed to report on the course of the mother ship in correction, specifically by reading from the captain's log as it is being written. This audio commentary explains exactly how I can do that. And how you can as well, taking off from my example, if you are so inclined.
JLL : 13 June 2011

The navigational mechanism for earth to operate as a self-propelling celestial body is the BEM, barycenter-earth-moon. By which I mean, the "armature" or control yoke of the line of the lunar apsides (ap-suh-DEEZ), explained elsewhere. The navigation crew in the company of the Wisdom Goddess observe the moments each month when the moon is at perigee and apogee. At these moments, the control yoke or steering mechanism of the mother ship is oriented to left or right, port or starboard in nautical terms, expressing how the earth tacks along the currents of the galactic stream. The phenomenon of yaw comes into play:

YAW, v.intr.
1. Nautical To swerve off course momentarily or temporarily: The ship yawed as the heavy wave struck abeam.
2. To turn about the vertical axis. Used of an aircraft, spacecraft, or projectile.
3. To move unsteadily; weave

This terminology describes the geophysical and astronomical motions of the earth. "Surges" happen at the moments of yaw when the mother ship heaves into the galactic currents, correcting her movement to stay on course. It is possible to observe these moments and participate in the ongoing correction process.

But there is more to this exercise as well. So far in my explanations of the BEM mechanism and yaw, I have only referred to the time of month when surges occur. Locally, this happens when the moon at perigee or apogee passes overhead, on the local meridian. This also can be observed, often by visually sighting the moon. What I have not disclosed so far is the location of the moon against the background of the zodiacal constellations at the moment of the surges. That is, the zodiacal locale—a graphic event to be observed, and at the same time, a mythopoetic event to be imagined.

The latter aspect, the mythopoetic factor, brings this oral/written exposition around to the exercise of "reading the captain's log."

Audio commentary (52 minutes) for this essay.

SPAGYRIC ART: combining two processes or elements that do not normally or automatically go together so that they function as a reinforcing system

Lunar Code

Once you learn the basics of the BEM, the barycenter armature of the earth-moon system, you can easily practice observation and participation in the lunar surges. All this is purely empirical, tangible, observationally evident. Once you are comfortable with this exercise of participation, you might consider the next stage: how to make the participation imaginative. That is, how to engage your imagination (second attention, in shamanic jargon) in what is happening, as well as your faculties of observation (first attention). Getting to the second stage of this exercise requires two steps:

First, consider that the line of apsides advances across the sky, along the scale of the zodiacal constellations. In other words, the positions of the lunar perigee and the lunar apogee do not remain constant. The line connecting these two extreme points on the lunar orbit around the earth constantly advances. It moves in the direction of the natural order of the zodiacal constellations: RAM, BULL, TWINS, and so on. (By contrast to precession, against that order. The lunar nodes and the seasonal axes of the earth both precess, fall back to a preceding point, rather than advance.) The line of the apsides makes a complete cycle through the thirteen constellations of the zodiac in 8.85 years.

For example, the lunar apogee as I write these words stands in 7 ECL or 7 degrees of the astrological sign Aries, as measured on the ecliptic scale irrespective of the background constellations. It also stood in this same place 8.85 years ago: around August 2002, It will return to this locale in May 2020. These are intervals of time well within the range of human observation and recall. The cycle of the lunar apsides is user-friendly in that respect. It can be tracked by naked eye observations without the need of instruments.

Second point, determining the second step: the apogee or perigee location stands somewhere in the visible band of the zodiacal constellations. To see where, you convert from the ELP longitude sections (astrological signs) to the real-sky format, the visible constellations. The apogee of the moon in June 2011 stands in the constellation of the FISHES, in the region of stars marked by the thread that connects the two FISHES:

Note: A (apogee) of moon (symbol) in the thread of the Fishes. The perihelion of jupiter, its point nearest to the sun, stands in 14 ECL (14 Aries) so there is a coincidence of alignment of the lunar apogee with this factor. The planet uranus stands nearby, close to the vernal point of spring equinox 0 ECL, in the lower body of the western whale.

At the onset of correction, March 2011, jupiter stood in its own perihelion, closest point to the sun. Now jupiter has moved to the border of the FISHES and the RAM, but it makes a backward loop, a retrograde motion lasting five months. On December 21, 2011, jupiter turns direct and completes its passage into the RAM. At that moment is stands aligned with M31, the Andromeda galaxy, shown by the saucer-shaped design of the nose of the leaping whale.

All that is pictured here is observable. You can see jupiter entering the RAM, then reversing over five months to exact alignment with the Andromeda galaxy, M 31, at ECL 29. You can even observe the Andromeda galaxy, the most distant object visible to the naked eye. You cannot see the apogee of the moon, but you can observe the moon when it positioned is at its apogee. Combine these observations with imagination of the zodiacal graphics and you are entering the practice of naked-eye mythology. This is how to read the captain's log: follow the lunar apogee imaginatively through the constellations.

In the audio commentary with this essay, I explain how and why this method works. This explanation is much easier to present in oral form, spoken, rather than written. I would reckon that is also easier to learn when received in spoken form.

The LUNAR CODE is the graphic cipher of the moon as it write a story across the zodiac, but the plot elements of the story, showing the twists and turns of the story arc, are shown by the displacement of the apsides. The shift of the lunar apogee through the FISHES into the RAM describes how the captain makes entries in the ship's log, tracking its course. The shift of the lunar perigee (roughly but not exactly opposite) shows something else, to be considered in a different essay.

Links to be added:

Gaian Recall

The shift of the lunar apogee displays the memory of Sophia, her recall of her own experience upon which she bases the entries in the log of the mother ship. She is, after all, on a long journey from the galactic core and back again. The way she plots this journey depends on her memory of the stages of her experience, some of which are recorded in the Gnostic vision story, the FGS or fallen goddess scenario.

To put it otherwise: considering the graphic zodiacal image where the lunar apogee moves, we see a mythological clue or mytheme that indicates specific incidents in the Gaian memory. For instance, the transit in the FISHES refers to the goddess's memory of the period of the Christic intercession, associated with the motif of the FISHES (Pisces). This is actually the genuine and original basis, taught in the Mysteries, of the association of Jesus Christ with the fish.

To place this event on the scale of geological time is only a provisional measure, a trick to get our minds working on the mythological content. I do not guarantee that the accepted geological timescale is correct, but to coordinate it in a tentative way to the mythography here can be helpful in developing the story line. It may assist in activating the neuronal-narrative circuits. Great, it this happens. Then the linear timeframe can be dropped. We do not have to wear the paradigms we employ. When you get the message, hang up the phone.

In the accepted paradigm of geological time, the Christic intercession occurred right after the Cambrian Explosion, in the Paleozoic Era, around 585 million years ago (MYA). At this time the first shellfish and corals appeared, so the legend goes. Also, shortly after the Cambrian event, the first fishes emerged, leviathans such as the astrapasis, an early vertebrate. Also, the first land plants emerged. Following an extinction around 438 MYA the first vascular plants emerged, succulents. Then came insects and the first lizards or terapods, predecessors of the dinosaurs. Fred Flintstone and the gang soon followed, one might imagine. So the legend goes...

But we have yet to learn how Gaia-Sophia herself remembers these events. As far as this terton knows, human beings did not appear until the resurrection of the land plants after the 438 MYA extinction. At first only women existed on the earth. They were arboreal creatures, tree-women. The male component of the human species arrived later by astral projection from Orion... But that anticipates events that unfolded much later in the story.

Constellation of Andromeda, not to be confused with the Andromeda galaxy (M 31), which is located in that star pattern. The signature of this constellation is an elongated V with its apex at the star Alpharetz, at the lower left hand corner of the Square of Pegasus. Thus, the head star of Andromeda is integral to another constellation, Pegasus, the winged horse that springs from the head of Andromeda, the fallen woman. The eastern whale of the FISHES leaps up toward andromeda. In fact, the signature of dot-to-dot formation of that part of the FISHES points to M 31—not by accident, but by design, be assured. The long figure of Andromeda lies just off the Milky Way. M31, our twin galaxy locked on a shared gravitational axis with us, stands just a few degrees away from the dense starry region of the Milky Way: just where you can see it, otherwise it would be obscured in the density of the ambient starlight.

Star Atlas of Elijah Burritt, showing the eastern or vertical whale of the FISHES leaping up toward Andromeda and pointing exactly to the location of M31. The FISHES sit below Andromeda and the Square of Pegasus.

The point to realize in the introductory phase of his arcane practice is that—for our convenience, let me say—Gaia remembers her own story according to the sequence of the zodiac. As she remembers, she makes entries in the ship's log and so bases her navigation on the overall trajectory of her experiences, the story arc of planetary memory. Correction unfolds as she recalls what happened to her and corrects or adjusts the course of her journey according to how she comes to terms, as it were, with those experiences. To this extent an anthropomorphic analogy holds up, just barely. But it holds up solidly and with veracity, practice will show.

All this applies to what happens since correction. Nothing preceding before in human history was comparable. Now everything that occurs in Gaian memory engages human attention and the process of interactivity becomes vividly intensified, demonstrated in real time parallels. The lunar apogee entered the FISHES around July 2010 but correction did not occur until March 2011. At that moment, with extraordinary suddenness, Gaia-Sophia begins to recapitulate and make entries in the ship's log. As she recalls, she writes the journey ahead, and as she writes, the navigational crew reads.

The lunar apogee remains in the FISHES until early in January 2012. For the crew of the mother ship, a remarkable omen marks the launch into the much-discussed year 2012: the lunar apogee aligns to M31, the Andromeda galaxy. With this event, a massive block of lost memory falls into to place for the Wisdom Goddess. What she recalls from now until then, and at that moment at the start of next year, cannot be known until the moment she recalls it! As a terton who reads the stellar code, I can suggest and hint at the general theme or area/era of the experience to be recalled, but I cannot detect the specifics until they emerge in her memory. This is an outstanding feature of correction: it cannot be foreordained or projected into a linear scheme, for it has to be developed imaginatively in real time coinciding with Gaia's own recall process. I can tell however, somewhat in advance, what plot elements of her overall story she will be recalling.

Split Solution

Physics is fate.
Dakini instruction of Idris (Bagalamukhi)

As I noted in the 7th PT interview on Grok the Talk, each of the dakinis and mahavidyas of the Shakti Cluster is a specialist. You come to appreciate how specialized they are by observing your own mind in synch with the lunar cycles. Idris is the current infernal bitch overseeing the lunar month that began on June 2. Her specialty is dyadic physics, the magic of doubling and the mirroring of worlds. She is an ardent tango dancer. Lucky are you if she throws you around with a few instructive moves.

In her tango moves, Idris shifts you abruptly back and force between the first and the second attention. The trick of these vigorous moves is that each time you come back to the second attention (memory), it toggles between two settings. So, at one throw, you are plunged into ordinary memory, then she spins you around into the first attention, concentrating on what's immediately present to your mind with no recall. When she spins you back to the second attention, it is on another mode: memory has been paused and you are dreaming. So it goes, back and forth between the two modes of the second attention, ordinary recall and dreaming, imaginative projection.

In shamanic syntax, this is the Throw of Idris: between what you are now and what you will have been in the future. Future perfect tense.

Why do I bring up such a technical point of Gaian shamanism? It may seem unrelated to the above, and merely encumbering. But I submit that the Tango of Idris points to the purpose and objective of the entire practice outlined above. Why bother to follow the stars in this manner, anyway? Why engage in this elaborate exercise that combines imaginative and observational faculties? What is the point? Who benefits?

There are two answers I might offer to these questions. First, the short answer: Gaia-Sophia as a self-propelling celestial body navigates by the stars and if you want to share the journey intimately with her, rather than just be an oblivious passenger, you can do the same.

Second answer: since her correction is a split solution, di-orthosis, you will not be able to enter it unless you see the split, the dyadic factor. The navigational crew who follow the course of the mother ship in correction do so as an exercise in perceiving the split solution. Anyone and everyone who follows this practice correctly will have the same experience: you will realize at a certain moment that you are living in a world of consensus reality with humanity, and simultaneously living in another version of that world.

Example: currently some people are observing that the sun stands higher in the north than it normally does at this time of year. In January this year I observed the days gaining light about three weeks in advance of when they usually do. This phenomenon was also observed by others around the world and reported on YouTube and various blogs. Last year in June I noted with amazement that the sun was far north, rather than northeast where it ought to be before the summer solstice. This year people are reporting the same observation, and estimating the solar orb to be ten degrees more northward than it ought to be if the laws of celestial mechanics are correct. Ten degrees is exactly what I had estimated last year.


Now imagine this: You are standing on the lawn observing this phenomenon, and beside you is a NASA scientist. You point to the sun and describe what you see. The authority on celestial events looks at mathematical equations and models and data and shakes his head: he says that cannot be happening because it does not fit the models, it violates the authoritative paradigm and hence defies cosmic laws. But it is happening, you can see it. But the NASA expert, the authority, cannot see it, even though it is obvious and verifiable by direct experience. Though you stand side by side on the same lawn, on the same planet, you are two people living in different worlds, in split reality.

And so it goes, going forward in correction. Physics is fate. The physics you adopt determine your fate. Basically, there are two options, Gaian physics which is empirical and observational and can be tested without instruments, and the physics of the experts and authorities, composed in mathematics and models, dissociated from real time events. Plotting the course of correction with Gaia is both a practice of distinction, showing the difference between these two fates, and a participation in the fate of the Wisdom Goddess, the imaginable future of the earth.



jll : 13 June 2011 Flanders

Material by John Lash and Lydia Dzumardjin: Copyright 2002 - 2017 by John Lash.

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