Alphabetic List: The Nag Hammadi Library in English
1991 Edition
Text - NHL Codex listing : Page in the NHLE
Texts selected for the reading plan in bold, order in list #
Act of Peter and the Twelve Apostles - VI, 1 : 528
Acts of Peter and Paul - VI, 1 : 287
Allogenes #1- XI, 2 : 490
Anointing / Baptism / Eucharist XI, 2a to e - 481
Apocalypse of Adam #18 - V, 5 : 277
(First) Apocalypse of James #9 - V, 3 : 260
(Second) Apocalypse of James #19 - V, 4 : 269
Apocalypse of Paul - V, 2 : 256
Apocalypse of Peter #2 - VII, 3 : 372
Apocryphon of James #10 - I, 2 : 29
Apocryphon of John #20 - II, 1 and III, 1and IV, 1: 104
Asclepius - VI, 8 : 330
Authoritative Teaching - VI, 3 : 304
Book of Thomas Contender #11 - II, 7 : 199
Concept of Our Great Power #21 - VI, 4 : 311
Dialogue of the Savior #3 - III, 5 : 244
Discourse on the 8th & 9th #22 - VI, 6 : 321
Eugnostos the Blessed #23 - III, 3 (parallel text with III, 4) : 220
Exegesis of the Soul #25 - II, 6 and V, 1: 190
Fragments - XII, 3 : 509
Gospel of the Egyptians #26 - IV, 2 : 208
Gospel of Philip #12 - II, 3 : 139
Gospel of Thomas #4 - II, 2 : 124
Gospel of Truth #27 - XII, 2 : 38
Hypostasis of the Archons #13 - II, 4 : 161
Hypsophrone - XI, 4 : 501
Interpretation of Knowledge - XI, 1 : 472
Letter of Peter to Philip - VIII, 2 : 431
Marsanes #28 - X : 460
Melchizedek - IX, 1 : 438
On the Origin of the World #14 - II, 5 and XIII, 2 : 170
Paraphrase of Shem #29 - VII, 1 : 339
Plato, Republic - VI, 5 : 318
Prayer of Apostle Paul - I, 1 : 27
Prayer of Thanksgiving - VI, 7 : 28
Scribal Note - VI, 7a : 329
Second Treatise of Great Seth #5 - VII, 2 : 362
Sentences of Sextus #6 - XII, 1 : 503
Sophia of Jesus Christ #24 - III, 4 (parallel text with III, 3) : 220
Teachings of Silvanus #7 - VII, 4 : 379
Testimony of Truth#15 - IX, 3 : 448
Three Steles of Seth #30 - VII, 5 : 396
Thought of Norea - IX, 2 : 445
Thunder, Perfect Mind #8 - VI, 2 : 295
Trimorphic Protennoia #31 - XIII, 1 : 511
Tripartite Tractate #16 - I, 5 : 58
Treatise on the Resurrection - I, 4 : 52
Valentinian Exposition #17 - XI, 2 : 481
Zostrianos #32 - VIII, 1 : 402
Berlin Codex: pages 523 - 531
BG, 1 The Gospel of Mary
BG, 2 The Apocryphon of John
Bc, 3 The Sophia of Jesus Christ
BG, 4 The Act of Peter